The First Hole

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I couldn't say anything or even stop myself from letting out quiet sobs "Stop it!" It was Squid who was whispering "I c-can't" I choked out "You can and you will. Not quit cryin' and go to sleep." His words only made me cry more, once the floodgates were open there was not stopping it until all the water had rushed out. 

"Jesus, get it together. You haven't even got to diggin' holes yet and you already acting like a baby." I could hear how annoyed he was and it only made me feel worse but I didn't want to upset him any further so I covered my mouth and shut my eyes tightly, hoping that would stop me from crying any more. 
With each deep breath I took, I drifted closer and closer to sleep. One last inhale and I was out like a light. Sleeping after crying wasn't the most pleasant thing but it it got me to sleep, I guess I'll take it. 


Just as soon as I had fallen asleep, I was awoken by a crappy recording of Reveille. It skipped and was crackly but it was loud enough to wake up the small circle of tents that was Camp Green Lake. 

I forced myself to roll over so I could face towards my tent mates, who had already began getting up and leaving. I guess they've all gotten into a routine of some sort. I didn't want to slow anyone down so I followed suit and got up, slipped on the oversized boots that I had kicked off the previous night and headed for the door. 
I followed who I remembered was Caveman to the center of the camp, Mr.Sir and Dr.Pendanski were both waiting by a shed that said "Library" on it. 

"Alright kiddies, open them eyes! It's a brand new day! Line up, come get your hardware." Mr.Sir's voice was far too loud and awake for this time of the morning. It had to be at least 5:30. 
I stood behind Caveman and just followed his actions and took a shovel out from the "library" just as he did.
He walked over to a small table with what looked like tortillas and something wet on them laid out on a paper plate. Most of the tortillas didn't sit on the plate though. They were just sprawled out on the table. They had to have been covered in dirt. 
I quickly grabbed a very sticky tortilla off of the plate and hesitantly took a bite.
'Honey' I thought as I eagerly took another bite. It was much better than the goop that was served at dinner last night. I didn't care how un-ladylike I looked in the moment that I scarfed down the honey coated tortilla, it was the first edible thing I've had in my mouth in what seemed like an eternity.
Frankly, I'm sure anyone who was watching me didn't care how I looked. They were probably hungry and tired and didn't care about anything but wanting to get back to sleep. 

"D-Tent, follow me!" Dr.Pendanski's voice was more annoying than it had been yesterday. Maybe because he sounds so happy. Who's happy this early in the morning? Probably people like him and Mr.Sir who get to ride in a truck instead of having to walk out in the desert. 
We did as he asked and started walking behind Mr.Sir's truck and away from the camp. 
I kept turning around to see the camp getting smaller and smaller, and then finally it was out of view.
I must have been falling behind because I heard Squid groan. I didn't really want him to see me today. After my crying fit last night, I was pretty embarrassed.
My eyes shot up from the ground "Speed it up." He stopped in his tracks and waited for me to get a little closer before he kept walking. He did seem to be walking a little slower though. Maybe he's not a huge dick after all. 
I sped up more so I could walk alongside him and maybe try and strike up a conversation. My mom always told me that the best way to get over an embarrassing or awkward moment, was to act like it didn't happen. Plus, I'm sure he'd get to like me if I at least tried to talk to him. "Squid?" He grumbled, which I assumed was his way of saying 'what' "Where exactly are we going?" He glanced down at me "To dig holes." I kind of chuckled "I know that, but where?" "Wherever Mom takes us. There ain't no set destination or nothin'." I nodded my head to show him that I understood. Not like he was actually looking at me to see that I nodded "So he could lead you guys all over the place until he decides to stop?" I was curious to how this whole thing worked. Were we just going to walk all day until Dr.Pendanski decided we were in a good spot and then make us dig. 
"Pretty much." His answers were short but I really wanted him to talk more.
Not only because I wanted him to open up a little bit but also because his voice was still groggy and kinda hot.  I quickly tried to think of another question before Dr.Pendanski stopped us and got us digging "Where are you from?" Was the first thing that came out of my mouth. 
He actually turned his head to look at me, his eyebrow cocked "Texas." He simply stated and averted his gaze to look ahead of him.  
I guess his short and simple answer was my cue to shut my mouth and keep walking. 
"What about you?" The corner of my mouth curled into a little smile. Making some progress. 
"Pennsylvania." I smiled at the thought of home. My moms cooking, my siblings, my friends. It made me sad to think about how long I had to be away from them all. I didn't want to get sad all over again so I quickly pushed thoughts of home to the back of my mind and focused on what was going on. 
We went back to being silent and I think it's best to just leave it at that. Maybe he'll actually start a conversation with me next time. But for the time being, I'll accept a simple exchange of a few words between us. 

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