Excuse Me?

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It all happened so fast. 
I went to my friends house on a regular Friday night, and it all went bad after he convinced me to come with him to do a deal. I had no problem with it, considering that it was just weed.
I thought it was at least. If I had known that it was meth, I would have never went with him. 
I would have never expected a knife to be pulled, or blood to be shed.
But it happened, and it all happened in a matter of minutes and I couldn't do anything to stop it. 

No one had died, but someone got sliced up pretty good.  And before I knew it, police showed up.
I wanted to run but my legs wouldn't let me, I tried to explain but they wouldn't listen. 
I was taken away to the police station along with my friend. But they separated us. 
There was no way that I was going to rat him out, but I couldn't come up with any good reason as to why I was there or how it happened. Either way I looked at it, I was in deep shit. 
Meth is a serious thing and the judicial system does not take it lightly. 
I was not going to get out of this. Not without facing some sort of punishment, and I was terrified. 

Apparently I wasn't paying any attention to the judge because she did not seem happy with me when she realized that I wasn't even listening. I was, I was just thinking at the same time.
She slammed her gavel on the sound block and the loud bang had brought me out of my thoughts and back into the horrifying reality that was court.
"Well, what will it be Ms.Parviainen? Jail or Reform School for Girls?"
She had a cold expression on her face. Probably not too happy about having to be in court on a Sunday morning. I leaned towards the small mic in front of me and gulped.
On one hand, I had jail, filled with criminals.
Female inmates were just as scary as male inmates, if not scarier. I've seen Beyond Scared Straight.
It isn't pretty in those female cell blocks.  
And on the other hand, I had a Reform School. Delinquents are a step down from criminals, right? 
"What is it then?" I snapped my head up towards the judge, her eyebrow was cocked. 
"U-uh, Reform School, your honor." I decided, and with the loud bang of her gavel, it was final. 
"12 months in the Texas Reform School for Girls." And with that, she grabbed her things and excited the courtroom. She does this all the time, so why would she have any pity towards me?
It wouldn't be fair if she showed any type of mercy on me. It wasn't even up to her where I went. 
She just enforced the rules and made the sentences final. 
I stepped down from chair I had been sitting, the reality of being away from my family and friends for a whole year finally setting in. I felt tears welling in my eyes, and I couldn't even look my mother in the face. She was hurt and I knew she was. I told her what happened, but she was still upset. 

The ride to my home to collect my things to say my goodbyes was quick. Too quick for my liking.
I kissed my cat goodbye, I hugged my brothers and sisters, and I called my friends up. 
Kissed my mother and said bye to her boyfriend.
My mom was crying and all she could say was "I love you, baby. It'll be over soon. I love you." 
I couldn't help but cry too. I was going to miss everyone and miss my home. But I had to go. 
I had no choice in this. 

I packed my belongings and in an instant, I was on an old and empty school bus. 
Nothing but me, the bus driver, the dust and rocks hitting the windows and a guard with a shotgun in his lap.  I thought to myself as I tried to keep my eyes on anything but the guard. 'And the handcuffs? Really?' I shifted in my seat, causing the guard to turn his gaze to me. 
Even with the sunglasses on, I could feel his eyes boring holes through me. 
I couldn't do anything but give him a small, slightly scared smile. He scoffed and stood up 
I stiffened 'Oh god, this is it. I'm going to die.' That was always my initial thought when anything bad happened or if I got uncomfortable really. Death.
But all he did was go to the bus driver and say something to him. I didn't want to eavesdrop but I caught myself doing it anyway. I was too curious as to what in the hell we were doing in a desert. 
"Is she on the right bus?" His voice was low 
"The document says that she is a he. She doesn't look like a male to me." The bus driver glanced back at me and I quickly looked out the window, trying to not seem suspicious. But when I looked back, all I saw him do was shrug and say in a nonchalant voice "I just go where I'm told to go." The guard simply sighed and sat back down. 
'Why would my file say I'm a male? Is it because of my name?'
I cursed my mom for naming me Devin with an I instead of a Y.
Although I am clearly female, my gender does get mixed up on legal files sometimes due to my name. 

I was thankful that I had put my hair up in a bun before I left, but over the course of me trying to brush and blow the random strands of black hair out of my face while being handcuffed, I had made my bun messier and messier. At least in my head, It was messier than how it started.
But I guess it didn't matter really how my hair looked at the moment. It's really the least of my problems right now. 

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