Chapter 7: #Boomubbles Moments

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If you don't know, this is going to be by last Powerpuff Girl fanfic. I'm sure most of you know my first one, which I have no idea why it got so popular. I think it has... 19K reads? I don't know. It is terrible, it's basically just a bunch of filler until the latest chapters. I have no idea what I was thinking. So...
GO READ MY FIRST BOOK IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY. IT IS CALLED The Powerpuff Girls Z: Blues, Reds, and Greens.
*shamelessly advertising*

And, um, sorry for breaking the fourth wall in this chapter. Just too many people ship the Puffs and Ruffs and they take it way too far.

Oh, by the way, you guys read my description, right? You should know that I mentioned some random names...Oh, for the love of the gods, please tell me you know what I meant when I put them down, because it is oh-so obvious. If you don't... should I tell you...?


If you haven't already realized, updates for this book are EXTREMELY slow, that is because I am finishing up my first book and am mainly focusing on that. Sorry?


Boomer's POV

It was pretty obvious there was a certain 'tension' between Blossom and Brick, even for me.

Butch had to tell me that. I still haven't figured out what the 'tension' is even supposed to mean.

"You're all going to die!" Buttercup yelled, once again. For some odd reason, she was threatening to kill everybody.

Well, more than usual.

Butch was still asleep, and this is the first time I have ever seen him take a nap. He's always been to busy terrorizing civilians  to take naps.

Huh, him and Buttercup have a lot in common. No wonder they want to kill each other so badly.

"Bubbles, quit joking around!" Blossom reprimanded her sister for whatever reason. I couldn't really here them talking through Buttercup's death threats.

"Haven't you tried sedating her or something?" Brick suggested. Blossom closed her mouth and glared at her counterpart. She then muttered something to herself and walk to a table with a needle-thingy and some sort of liquid.

"We've been too busy trying to figure out how to fix her to actually make her stop screaming at us," Bubbles laughed nervously.

Okay, I admit, she is kind of cute. But that's as far as I'm really going with this whole BubblesXBoomer thing.

Damned fangirls.

"Boomer," Brick called me. I was snapped out of staring into space and looked right him. His face serious, so something must have happened. "Butch is going to have to stay here for a while, so we might as well leave until he gets better," he explained. I nodded to say I understood.

"Do you have to go so soon? You could always stay for a while," Bubbles smiled. I was somewhat drawn towards her, but Brick's hand slamming onto my shoulder brought me back to reality.

"Thanks, but we'd rather not see Butch in this state. Do you know how long until he gets better?" Brick asked. Bubbles seemed to think for a moment.

"Give it a week at tops! I'm a great scientist, you know! I'll have the antidote in no time!" The Professor laughed cockily.

A week...?

"Is it possible he could die before then!?" Brick yelled. The Professor only shrugged and continued on with his work.

"It may not seem like it, but the Professor is trying his best. After all, his own daughter's life is on the line here," Bubbles reassured us. I sighed with relief.

"Your brother should be waking up anytime soon. I wouldn't want to be here when that happened if I were you," Blossom warned us.

"Nah, he threatens to throw boats at us everyday. We're used to it," I confessed and smiled. Blossom looked both mad and envious.

"So, you get threatened and bullied by your brother all the time, so what should a few more words mean to you, right? I mean, it's not like he's one of the only people in the world who understands you, right? Right? So when they use everything they know against you as an insult, every secret shared, every concealed emotion, and throw it in your face like they now viewed you as the most pathe-" Blossom had been chastising us before Bubbles interrupted her. 

"Blossom, that's enough," Blossom looked like she was on the verge of tears. I couldn't help but feel a little guilty. Maybe she was right. Maybe hearing Butch yelled at us now isn't such a good idea. We should leave.

"R-Right, let's go, Boomer," Brick said obediently and grabbed my arm. He led me upstairs into the living room of the Powerpuff Girls. Both of us sat on their couch. 

"Shouldn't we leave?" I asked him. He only shook his head. Maybe... he didn't want to leave Butch, but also didn't want to stay by his side when he wakes up either.

"I don't want to go home," he whined. I almost laughed. 'Home'... That was such a funny word. Nowhere we went actually felt like home. Not this town, not that house.

It just doesn't feel right. It's like we don't belong. What am I saying? Of course we don't. Teenage kids with super powers... I'm surprised we're not thrown in a cage and get experimented on in a lab.

"I expected you two to leave," Bubbles laughed as she came up the stairs leading to the basement.

"Well, we did say we would," I retorted. Brick stayed silent. It'd be nice if he could tell one of his terrible jokes and laugh. I guess this is supposed to be a serious atmosphere, right?

"He just woke up... We thought you should know..." she stared at the ground, her face downcast.

"Aren't we supposed to be hearing ways to kill us from him? It's silent," I laughed, trying to lift the mood.

"The lab is soundproof," she partly whispered, "He's screaming right now,"

I stared at Bubbles. She obviously wanted to cry. I felt kind of guilty. I didn't even do anything, but still...

Brick had suddenly stood up and opened a window. He had begun to climb out of it before I called out to him, "You know, they have a door,"

He froze, before turning around and giving a painful smile, "Leaving through the front door wouldn't look very cool, now, would it?" he said and jumped out.

"I-Is he coming back?" Bubbles looked worried. I shrugged. We've been through a lot of stuff, I know, but... Are we getting close to Brick's breaking point?

I know for me... It feels like I'm crashing down... But the Professor will fix Butch, right? Then we can go back to normal...Right? No, Butch will want revenge, but that guy... He just has to be faster than Butch, since he was able to do what he did to him. What was it...a syringe?

"B-Boomer, are you okay?" Bubbles yelled and ran over to me. I looked at her. She knows what we're going through. She's gotta feel the same pain...

"What's wrong?" I smiled, trying to force the thoughts out of my head.

"You're crying!" she put her hand on my back as she sat next to me. I wiped my face out of astonishment. My sleeve came back wet. When did I...?

"Bubbles, we need-" Blossom had said when running up the stairs, before blinking a few times. She muttered something that sounded like 'I'll leave you two alone then," and walked back down to the lab.

"I guess I need to go," Bubbles gave me a reassuring smile and left to the lab before adding, "You can stay longer if you like, help yourself to anything we have. You're our guest,".

You know what this means?

I'm raiding their fridge.

TELL ME IF YOU WANT ME TO MAKE THE CHAPTERS LONGER. I will only do about one or two POVs each chapter, each about 1000 words long. If this is too short, just tell me, I'll write them longer(somhow -_-).

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