Chapter 1 Wake Up Call

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"Amaya! Amaya Paige Josie!" My mother was pounding on my door. I opened it and she raced it with a phone in her hand.

"Yeah mom?" I questioned.

"Peter Jackson finally called back! Your in The Lord of the Rings!" She screamed. I went wide-eyed and starred at her.

"Seriously?" I asked a grin spreading on my face.

"Yes! Here, he's on the phone." I grabbed it from her hands and took a deep breath.


"Amaya Josie?" Peter asked.


"Hi Amaya! I loved your addition for Bella. I think your perfect for the role. I'm going to send your script through the mail. You leave for New Zealand in three months. I will have your exact date soon. I can't wait to meet you in person Amaya."

"Thank you so much Mr Jackson. This means the world to me."

"Call me Peter. I will see you in three months."

"Ok thank you." I hung up the phone and looked at my mom.

"Congrats sweetie!" She embraced me in a bone crushing hug.

"I'm gonna be in The Lord of the Rings!" I shouted getting really excited after my shock wearing off.

*3 months later*

"Let's go. Your plane leaves in a half hour." Dad yelled up to me.

It was the day I left to fly to New Zealand and live a dream. I'm not an experienced actress so it was a big shock for all of us. I was in a little tv show when I was younger but nothing big. My mom said I always a 'drama queen when I was younger so she wanted me to start acting.

I also received my script just like Peter said. He also called back a few times to give me more details about filming.

I have always been a fan of Tolkien's work. Bella was a great character. And she had a relationship with Legolas. I was very nervous whenever I thought about that. I would have to make-out with a guy half of this filming. They were a very touchy feely couple. I hope the guy playing Legolas would be cool to work with. But nevertheless, this was going to be fun.

"Don't worry mom, I will see you in a couple years and holidays." I tried soothing her.

"I know. Make us proud. We love you hun." She aid gesturing to my father.

"Love you guys too." I kissed my dads cheek. "Give my loving regards to Isaac." I smiled. Isaac was my 7 year old brother.

They waved goodbye as I made my way to the terminals. I trudged my two luggages behind me and handed them to the security guard.

Minutes later I was sitting in the unconforrable airplane seat. I rested my head and welcomed the darkness that came.

'We are now arriving in New Zealand. Please fasten your seatbelts. We will be landing shortly.' A lady told throughout the plane. I fluttered my eyes open.

I started to get butterflies as I realized what I was about to do.

I just flew on a plane to New Zealand.

I'm going to be in a movie trilogy.

And hopefully meet new amazing people.

I hopped off in a rush, luggages in hand, and looked around the airport.

I wondered how I was going to get to Peter or wherever we were filming. He didn't say anything about transportation. I spotted five guys chatting with scripts in there hands. One of them had there back turned when I made my way over.

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