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The morning grew into the afternoon which then grew into the evening.

James was excited to go to the beach with some of his best friends and just hang out. School started September fifth and he wouldn't be able to do this anymore.

He thought more about Clara and her condition. He felt quite guilty for just jumping to the conclusion that she had an eating disorder. What if it was something else? Maybe she had a disease that had nothing to do with her depriving herself of food.

He tried to rack his brain, thinking of other solutions. He knew what a nasogastric tube was and the purpose it was used for. He sighed giving up on the thought completely.

Clara seemed okay, sarcastic and slightly boring. She was freakishly skinny which made James uncomfortable in a way. Like if he were to hug her or even give her a high five, she would break into a million pieces.

He shook his head again, why was he still thinking about her? But he knew the answer.

She was suffering from something and James knew he could connect with her somehow. He never realized it but he almost felt at ease for knowing someone else who had something dark about them.

Not only was Clara's appearance different, the girl never smiled and her eyes always looked dull.

He wanted to see her again, talk to her. Know more about her. In his past life, he wouldn't be caught dead talking to a sick girl like her but now, they had more in common than any of his friends it seemed.

James shut out the thought of Clara when his phone chimed with a text. Aubrey was going to be here soon and James had to get ready.


James waited downstairs, holding a soccer sweatshirt in his arm, texting Liam as he waited. After a few minutes, Aubrey sent him a text letting him know she was here.

He hugged his mom goodbye, waved to his dad, and yelled up the stairs at Christian. He walked down the steps and made his way down the pathway as the sun was setting.

Aubrey's black Honda came into view. She had an early birthday so she was lucky enough to receive her license even if she was in eleventh grade.

He opened the passenger seat, sweet air conditioning cooling him down. He locked his phone and shut the door, leaning over to kiss Aubrey hello. He heart leapt when their lips connected.

When they pulled away, she smiled and she shifted the car into drive. Her eyes were focused on the road but it was silent for a minute or two. James just stared at her in awe.

Aubrey sported a white crop top, dark denim jeans, and a polka dotted head band with a small bow on the side which brought out the shininess of her blonde hair. She looked beautiful as always.

"So are you excited?" Aubrey asked, her eyes still locked on the road. James snapped out of his usual state of staring at her.

"Oh, yeah. Should be fun." He spoke, his words empty. For some reason, he was questioning himself on whether he should confess to Aubrey about the pill he found underneath his bed this morning. He drugged off the thought, he didn't want to bring anymore depressing memories to her.

Aubrey stuck by his side all throughout his sophomore year. His addiction, tiredness, loneliness, everything. He felt so completely guilty for putting her through so much pain. She used to come over to his house after school everyday to make sure he didn't hurt himself.

But thinking about what she has done for him made him realize how in love with her he really was. He couldn't thank Mr. Taylor enough for giving him detention that day.

He was late to school so he had detention. Aubrey cursed out a girl who was bullying her friend so she had detention. Aubrey was very sweet but extremely tough when it came to the people she loved. What more could he ask for?

"Who's going to be there?" James asked, tearing his eyes away from her.

"Sarah, Liam, Kevin, Sean, Alanna, and Katy." She said. James wanted to desperately reach over and hold her hand but he knew how serious she was when it came to driving. She refused to subject herself to any distractions.

A few minutes later, Aubrey pulled into the parking lot of the beach. There were about three other cars parked and probably more somewhere James couldn't see. Most of the kids in his grade were most likely at parties but James would rather be here with his girlfriend and all his close friends.

"We're camping out!" Aubrey yelled excitedly, opening the trunk of her car. James was taken aback. He had no idea of this news. He just held his sweatshirt and walked towards Aubrey.

"Camping out? I don't have anything to sleep on." For some reason his heart began to race.

"Don't worry about it. I've got a tent and two sleeping bags." She responded, shuffling through her trunk. She struggled to carry some of the items and James went to reach for the white box containing the tent.

Aubrey pulled away, the two sleeping bags on top of the box dangerously shook and rolled to the edge. "Nuh uh, I'm a big girl." She laughed, whipping her hair over her shoulder and making her way down to the beach.

James smiled at her confidence and independence. Of course she could hold the box and the sleeping bags, she was a track star. She was strong.

James closed her trunk and made his way to the beach, thankful he didn't wear flip flops. He didn't really like the beach. He hated when the sand got into his shoes and stuck to his feet but tonight, that was going to inevitable.

James saw ashes floating from below the hill of sand. A bonfire.

He heard woops and shouts as he saw Aubrey disappear down the hill. James rushed to the bottom, Kevin and Sean rushing toward him.

Kevin was a normal sized kid. He played football and always had a stupid smirk on his face that was paired with two lazy eyes. He looked like a goof but the kid had a great personality.

Sean was a small shrimp, ginger red hair covering his head. He played soccer with James and he was a genuinely sweet kid.

"So not only is this a party for the death of summer, but also a celebration for our win against Richard Town." Sean whooped, clapping James's shoulder. James whooped back, punching Sean lightly on the arm and making his way towards the bonfire.

James began to chuckle to himself when he saw Liam and his girlfriend Sarah making out through the flames of the fire. Their figures were morphed and smoky from the rising flames.

"Jesus, Liam, tone it down a bit, okay? This is a get together not a hookup party." Kevin shouted.

Liam pulled away from Sarah, he wasn't even embarrassed.

"Okay, Kevin you wish this was a hookup party." He shot back, looking from Kevin to Sean raising his eyebrows in a flirtatious manner. James couldn't help but begin to laugh hysterically as Kevin looked to Sean, imitating a vomiting gesture.

Liam and Sarah got up from the log, walking to Kevin and James. Sarah was a pretty girl. James couldn't help but be surprised that she was actually with Liam.

She had dark, perfect olive skin. Dark black hair hung down her back, her chocolate brown eyes were fitted with long eyelashes. Her and Aubrey were best friends, they were on track together.

But unfortunately, Sarah was moving away in two days. She was going to California since her father got a new job at the college she wished to attend in the future.

So not only was this an end-of-summer get together, it was a celebration for winning a soccer game, and a small going away party for Sarah. There was happiness and sadness mixed between.

It was bitter.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2015 ⏰

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