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For the past three days it has been raining outside. It was pretty unusual in a month like August. But regardless, James didn't complain.

The pale white ceiling greeted James, making him less bored than he already was. He was daydreaming again, his favorite pastime. He was thinking about school, wondering who was going to be in his classes. He already got his schedule and he already knew his best friend and his girlfriend were in a few classes.

Speaking of best friend, James's phone began to vibrate on his bedside table. James sighed, leaning to the right on his elbow and reaching over to his cellphone.

"Hey."  Read the message.

It was from Liam, James's best friend. He met Liam in fifth grade, they didn't instantly click as best friends until both of them ended up on the same soccer team.

"Hey." James responded back.

"What's up?"

"Nothing really. Just bored. How about you?"

"Same. Can I come over?"

James contemplated his answer. He wasn't entirely sure if he felt like spending the rest of his Wednesday with Liam. Sure, Liam was his best friend but James always got the feeling that Liam didn't take anything seriously.

There was no way he would be telling James about Darren and his sessions.

But on the other hand, if James's mom found out that Liam could have came over and James rejected him, then he would be lectured on how he "needs to get out more" or start seeing life in a "positive way".

James was still recovering from problems and just wasn't ready to jump back into normal life at its fullest yet. Everyone was trying to desperately reach him but James knows that he will never be the same again.

"Sure." He texted.

"Sweeeeet I'll be over at two."

James sighed and put his phone back on the table. He then got up and ventured downstairs.

His older brother, Christian, was re-netting his lacrosse stick. Or at least James thought that was what he was doing. Both James and Christian played very different sports.

James was the best player on the varsity soccer team, same for Christian but on the lacrosse team. They were both guaranteed to get scholarships sometime. James has already gotten letters from colleges asking about him but no scholarships yet. He lost months worth of training due to his depression.

But now he's back and better than ever.

"Where's mom?" James asked, leaning his head in the kitchen from the doorway. Christian looked up from the granite counter, a string in his mouth and a half eaten apple in the other hand.

"Living room." He murmured. James nodded as a thank you.

Christian was a cool guy. He didn't have a girlfriend or anything even though he could easily get one if he wanted to. He was much shorter than James but more muscular. His dark brown hair sort of spiked up in the front naturally and he was pale. James's skin tone was the complete opposite.

"Mom?" James called, walking through the small narrow hallway that led to the living room.

"In here!" He heard her call. He followed her voice and stepped into the living room. Despite having two teenage sons, the house was kept relatively clean.

The living room was a good size, almost perfectly square. A huge dark brown carpet with white rings covered the dark wooden floor, the soft grey couch outlined half the square, two huge windows resting behind the couch, picture frames and quotes lining the walls.

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