For Cam

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Keke POV

After what just happen all I wanted to be around is cam fuck everybody else after melain dropped me off at my moms I got cam and left and walked like two blocks to my apartment I walked inside and and upstairs put cam on the bed and sum toys while I took my shower and put on sum boy shorts t~shirt turned on Disney and played with can he crawled to his play room and I followed him I got in there he was holding his play phone I took a pic in the mm and posted it on IG
"My Lil man growing up , g~pa I think its time for that haircut u offered ✂" then I put my phone down then sum body knocked on the door Who this ?
I opened the door ... Trey stood there crying with 4 big bags in his hands

TT, can I please see cam brah I bought him shoes and shit
K, money don't solve everything
TT,can I please just see cam and I will leave u alone
K,ight trey followed me and sat on the couch , I got can from his play room when he seen his daddy he was happy he was talking "mummy daddy" he said screaming
K, I see cam
TT, cam cam daddy loves u I said grabbing my baby
C, daddy daddy
TT, he said my name cam cam
Look what daddy got you
K, aww i like to see my baby happy he so cute and he is always round his daddy fuck this y I can't keep them apart he brought him futures in black, gold, red, blue and black with TKC on it I'm sure he had matching pairs and two grills
K, trey y u bout him grills he can't wear these vampire ones more the bottom teeth he don't even got all his teeth
TT, I gotcha u sum to and the black futures with TKC on them he said while he gave me the stuff
K, u don't have to bring me this
Stuff trey money don't buy happiness
TT, o it don't wait a minute he said as he rocked cam to sleep and took him to his room and put his stuff away
K, wat ?

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