God Damn

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Emily ducked as Stacie takes a punch. She slide her leg, causing Stacie to fall back. But Stacie immediately stood back up, but was drop down by a kick from Emily. The younger brunette straddled her, keeping Stacie on her stomach. Emily held Stacie's right hand behind her back. With her left hand she tapped out.

Emily jump up in victory which was cut short when a foot slide to her legs, tripping her back. Emily fell on her back and is straddle on the waist by Stacie.

"Rule 43; never look away from your opponent even if they're down."Stacie said with heavy breaths. Both girls were breathing heavily due to today's sparing. Emily smile at the sight of Stacie above her. She lean up, prompting herself with her elbows.

"But of course in real danger my opponent would be far from conscious."Emily reply.

Stacie roll her green eyes and said,"Don't get so cocky, you're good but not the best, like me."Both girls laugh.

"I think it's you who should not be so cocky."Emily grin.

Stacie smirk,"I'm not being cocky I'm just acknowledging at how great I am."

Emily rolls her eyes."See! you're being so cocky right now!" Stacie green eyes spark.

"What are you going to do about it?"Emily couldn't help but stare deeply in Stacie's green eyes. Such rare green eyes. Ever since the fall of the mistress, blue eyes meant royalty so those with blue eyes changed to either red or brown. But green eyes meant loyalty to the royals. Of course the only one who was loyal to Emily's mother was Stacie. So she is the only one to have green eyes.

Others cannot be trusted like the way Stacie is with the rulers. Although, Stacie's may be rare. Emily's eyes are even rarer. Like her mom, Beca, her right eye is a glowing gold and her left eye a light blue like her mother, Chloe. Reason of this was probably due the golden affect and Emily is mostly made of Beca's genes.

The thing about Stacie's green eyes, it's as if they're pulling you in. Emily felt her body inching closer to Stacie. She notice how close their faces are. She merely close her eyes when Stacie stood up, smirking."Well today training was great, rest your body."Stacie said before exiting the training room, leaving a dumbfounded Emily. She exhale loudly, falling back. She look up the celling, trying to calm down her furiously beating heart. She let out another breath. It's odd how entrancing those green eyes are. Emily wonders if Stacie is purposely putting her in trances. It's no secret that she sometimes places male humans into trances to feed on their blood. It's also no secret that she somehow have everyone's mind clouded with lust about her. Emily shook her head before those thoughts appear. Blushing madly, she covers her face and sigh loudly.

"What's wrong with you, giraffe legs?"An Australian voice made Emily sit up. Emily look at the blonde Australian woman, Fat Amy is her name. Yes, fat Amy is what she likes to be called. Fat Amy is a very old friend of Ruler Beca. Apparently, when the invasion of vampires happen- a young vampire man fell in love with her beauty. Of course he couldn't kill her so the young vampire turn her into one. They're married now- weird yet such a beautiful love story."Wow Giraffe legs, you sure are red. What got you all red for? Wait don't tell me, Long legs got your panties all knot up?"Emily blush even more, the way Amy says it sounds so wrong yet it's kinda right.

"Anyway, your moms want to talk to you. They're in the entertainment room." Emily stood up and walked out towards the stairs.


Entering the entertainment room. she was met with her mothers who are heavily kissing other. It's nice that they love each other, but sometimes it's too much love."Mothers."Emily cleared her throat.

Chloe smiled at her daughter,"Hey Emily, come take a seat with us."Emily takes a seat between her moms.

"So since your birthday is tomorrow, your mom and I decide to give you a gift."She sees her brunette mom reach over the side of the couch, pulling out a book.

"What's this?"Emily ask.

"It's a book all about our ancestors and other things about our kind."Beca explain. Emily smile hugely. When she was smaller, she would see her mom holding on a book and if she was lucky enough, she would read a small paragraph about one of Mitchell's ancestor. Emily hug. both of her moms.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Beca pull away.

"Em, you stink of sweat!"Chloe roll her eyes at her wife, slapping her arm.

"Don't be so mean! Our daughter smells good even when she's covered in sweat."Emily pull away, smiling shyly.

"Chlo, you're a terrible liar,"Beca turn to her daughter,"You should take a shower."Emily roll her eyes as if her mom needs to remind her.

"I was going to take one after I talked with you guys."Emily hug her parents once more before heading up another pair of stairs. She walk the hallways of doors, pausing when she notice Stacie's room door is slightly open. She walk to the door and was about to open it when she sees Stacie with a towel wrap around her body. The towel dropped and Emily's heart stop.

She know she should look away but Stacie has a body of a Greek goddess. Her heart quicken as Stacie turn her head slightly- she got caught.
Emily duck her head back and closed her eyes waiting for Stacie yelling at her for being a pervert. But it never happen. Emily peeked her head back to see her room empty and the bathroom door close. She shook her head and ran towards her room.'oh my stars! Stacie is.... Oh my fucking God!' Emily walked in the bathroom feeling dirty from her thoughts about Stacie. She has to take a cold shower to wash off those images and thoughts about Stacie. But goddamn, won't it be hard.

Hehe- I ship Stemily now! xD

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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