4. Arden's Story

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(Arden's POV)

Katie screamed in excitement at her new skill and I turned from Annie to watch. I was preoccupied though. What would Annie and I do? We had no idea who this mysterious stalker person is! What do we tell Coach Mary? But we have to tell. I'm sick of Annie's suffering! I cry about it a lot because I have to idea what to do! But the secret is about to get out...

I heard a small thump and turned while everyone else kept their eyes on Katie. I saw Annie fling forward head first toward the other beam and the mats. It was obvious she had been pushed. She kind of turned and it looked like she fell now. She gave a small yell and everyone turned. When they saw they her they ran over. 

I was already running.

When we got there I kept saying it was my fault. The person who pushed her had to be that stalker. I refused to make her stop it and now...

Now it was to late!

I kept crying and screaming until Coach came over and looked her over. "Looks like a broken wrist. And that head looks a little bruised. I'm going to have to call her mom." She stepped to the phone, then snapped her fingers. "Katie and Billy took Hayley to an eye appointment out of town! They won't be home untill five!" I glanced at the clock it was barely one. 

Eventually, she called the ambulance. While she was on the phone, I noticed something. Amanda was laughing! Laughing at poor Annie on the floor here! "AMANDA!" I screamed. I couldn't control any of this anymore! 

She looked at me kind of shocked. "What? I didn't do it!"

"Do what?" I asked, I thought popping into my head.

"Push Annie! I love her!" 

"YOU DON'T KNOW SHE GOT PUSHED! YOU DID IT! STOP! I...I HATE YOU! YOU TORTURED ME AND ANNIE FOREVER! YOU MADE HER LIE, CRY, AND YOU JUST HURT HER SO BAD! I HATE YOU!" I screamed at her. Then I ran through the gym into the back room where I cried until I heard sirens. 

I ran out, ignoring the stares my classmates. I ran right to Coach Mary. "Look, I can't explain right now but I have to go with Annie. I have to! Please!" Tears started forming along the rims of my eyes. Coach Mary looked kind of shocked but agreed. "Okay, Arden, if it means that much to you."

I grabbed my gym bag and RAN into the back of the ambulance with Annie. I didn't dare looked at the girls in the gym. I just stared at Annie. Annie.

I leaned back in the uncomfortable hospital chair. It had only been a half hour here. They were waiting for Annie to wake up to take the X-Rays. Suddenly I heard a nervous voice. "Arden, what is going on here!" 

I walked over to her slowly. "Annie, I know who it is." My voice trembled.

"Really? Who!" She said excitedly.

"Umm.. Amanda." I said.

Her face went white. "Arden...Arden, thank you!" She said smiling happily. "Wait, then why are we here?"

I breathed deeply. In, out. "Amanda pushed you. She probably broke your wrist and something happened to your head."

She nodded. "Okay." 

"Your...your not upset?" I asked, shocked.

"No, I know who it is now. I had a small price to pay. I didn't die, did I?" Realizing what she mean, I hugged her hard. Her sweet big brother Caleb, gone. He had the large price. She stayed wrapped around me. I didn't want to let go. 

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