Only chapter

529 13 2

"Coming! We followed Skips all the way here. We may have a problem..." started Kurebayashi with the report. You could easily tell that it was an important matter.

Her words made my blood run cold. What's going on?! Everything should have gone perfectly! I made some last minute arranges to Akari's dress and now it's perfect. Skips should be making the best performance of the night right now. I screamed in my head angrily, if it wasn't for all the designers around me, I would be cursing out loud. The top designers meeting just had to be on the same day of the Unit Cup!

"... the two of them are looking for something," Kurebayashi continued.

Looking for something? Could it be...

My train of thoughts was interrupted by the presenter's voice: "Looking for what?"

"Due to a miscommunication Akari's dress cards had gone missing," Shinjo explained.

Next to me Amahane-sensei gasped but I didn't pay much attention, because I was both fuming and very worried. Will they find them in time?

"They were supposedly in a small box," continued Kurebayashi.

Next time I am sending a huge box with neon lights, I decided in my head.

"But who knows if they'll be able to dig them up, when everything fits that description," Shinjo finished everyone's thought.

"Nee Sena-san, isn't that the girl of your commercial?" One of the designers asked me. I wasn't paying enough attention to know who exactly; my concentration was only on Akari.

"No, she is the one that wears Sena's premium dresses," another one corrected the first one.

"All of them?" Asked a designer surprised. "He only has three premium dresses. But that's still a lot for only one single idol... at least for the majority. She must be very good."

"Don't tell me that you don't know Akari-chan!" Amahane-sensei exclaimed. She seemed a lot better now. "She is the girl of Oozora's Weather."

"You are right Amahane!" The third designer exclaimed. "She is that girl. Oozora always brings a smile to my face in the mornings, I hope she finds her dress cards."

Even though I was still very nervous, I had to smile when I heard that designer talk so well about my girlfriend.

"Found them!" I was so distracted that I didn't notice Akari finding the box.

"Yes!" me and a few more designers exclaimed in joy, laughing a bit as we watched Skips running to get to their show in time.

This little moment will help them a lot with gaining votes from their fans... I stopped in mid thought and looked around me. A lot of designers were celebrating and talking about how much they wanted to see their show... and even gain new fans.

"I hope you know what you are doing Tsubasa." Amahane-sensei told me once the Unit Cup was over, it was said so softly that I was the only one able to hear her.

"What do you mean Amahane-sensei?" I asked her, trying to hide my fear. By her smile, I knew that it didn't pass unnoticed.

Why does she have to be so perspective?! I complained in my head.

"Akari is a nice girl," she continued talking, unfazed by my discomfort. "She has a huge heart and always puts her fans first. She may be a bit unexperienced yet, but I am sure that she will grow up to a wonderful woman..."

"She already is," I cut her off. Damn it! I cursed in my head and tried to play it off as a designer defending his muse, not an overprotective boyfriend. "I wouldn't have given her all my premium dresses if she wasn't."

"We both know, you gave it to her because she was the one that inspired you to make them." She replied. Her tone told me that she was angry at me for thinking that I could deceive her. "Gracefulness, innocence and kindness. All qualities that are the pillars of what makes Akari herself." Her frown softened and changed into a smile "Well done by the way. I am so proud of the great designer you had become."

"Thank you Amahane-sensei, it means a lot coming from you." I told her.

"But the hiding game you and Aakri are playing is a dangerous one," she warned me seriously. How did she know?! as if Amahane-sensei was able to read my thoughts, she answered my question. "The way you acted so concerned, for Aakri, but at the same time angry at yourself, for feeling useless, gave you away. And the way Aakri hugged the box, as if it was the most precious thing, helped me to connect the dots. Because you can see that she was finally able to understand completely what true love is." I blushed happily at her words. I already knew that we loved each other but hearing it from another person made me feel more relax. "I won't say a word. Principally because I think that the no love rule is absurd, and because I love you and wish for your happiness. Does Akari make you happy Tsubasa?".

"She makes me a better person and designer," I answered her honestly. "She truly makes me very happy."

"Then there is nothing else to talk about," Amahane-sensei said. "Now get going to your workshop, I am sure that Akari would like to celebrate this great victory with you. I myself will take Madoka out for tea and some sweets."

I just smiled and nodded my head, before parting towards Dreamy Crown's workshop. When I finally got there, I was surprised with what I found: my breathtaking girlfriend wearing Dreamy Crown's Rose Party Coord and holding the cake I had ordered molded in her image to celebrate her winning.

"You knew that Skips was going to win, how did you predict it?" She asked me astonished.

"I was sure that you would win, because I trust your abilities." I answered. Then I took a spoon and fed her a piece of cake. She blushed beautifully and I smiled cockily. "What do you think about celebrating your winning privately," her blush turned redder. I rapidly hurried assure her that I was not trying to pressure her into anything she was not ready for or wanted yet.

"I want to," she murmured embarrassedly, after a while of an uncomfortable silence "Just promise to take care of me... it's my first time".

"Haven't I always?" I replied gleefully, leaning down for a kiss.

Winning Celebration {Aikatsu}Where stories live. Discover now