34: A Burger and Fries and Fancy Chocolate

Start from the beginning

"What a lady," he teased.

"Tell it to this guy," I patted my stomach. "Can we eat first?"

"Sure," Gakupo said. Piko walked out of the washroom with a huge wad of paper towels in his hands.

"Someone help me dry the back of my shirt," he said. I took the paper towels and started helping the poor guy. He thanked me and asked if I was going to hang out with them.

"Yeah," Gakupo answered. "Let me text the others. We can meet up in the food court."

He started typing up his message when a boisterous voice rang out throughout the mall.

"We see you, Eggplant Maniac! And hi, pumpkin!"

"Free publicity," Piko mumbled.

People looked up, at the escalators, where Yuma and Oliver were. Yuma had a wild grin on his face, and Oliver looked like he was trying to choke him.

"His voice is way too loud," Gakupo said. "Well, saved me the trouble of texting them."

"Gumi, I know you're hungry and all, but these guys can be total animals when it comes to food," Piko said. "Well, Gakupo and Yuma, at least. Oliver's alright."

"Shut up," Gakupo smacked his head. He yelped and dropped a few of the paper towels. Yuma and Oliver were scrambling down the 'up' escalator and getting yelled at.

They'd be like animals, Piko had said. I smiled. There was something about hanging out with animals.

Besides, I was sure they'd be paying for the food. Free food and company. I could be okay with that. I'd be totally okay with that.

Gakupo, Piko and I started walking towards the food court, with Oliver running after us, catching up. Yuma was quite a ways away, his phone pressed to his ear. I turned to look at him more than a couple of times. He seemed completely immersed.

"What's up with him?" I asked Gakupo, who shrugged.

"He's on the phone," he said stiffly.

"Well...I guess that makes sense," I said. I had just never seen him like that.

Then again, how long had I known him for? Still, it didn't seem to fit my perception of him.

"Alright, men," he said suddenly, walking quickly and catching up to us. He looked at me. "And woman. What're we eating?"

"Whatever Gumi wants," Gakupo said. "She's the hungry one."

"Well, we don't all have to eat the same thing, you know. I'd feel bad if you all had to eat what I was eating, only to have it turn out that you don't like whatever it was," I said.

Oliver laughed. "Come on, Gumi. Do you really think these guys are that courteous? That they'll eat whatever you'll give them?"

"Well, I know I'd eat whatever a pretty little flower offered me," Yuma said, throwing an arm over Oliver's shoulder. "One must be gentle with the ladies."

"Not all ladies are like that," I said. "I don't think you've known quite enough ladies to have a good idea on how they work."

He smiled at me. "One must also be adaptable."

I scoffed. He snickered.

"What's on your lips, pumpkin?" He said. "I can tell you've got something to add to our little conversation."

"Nothing, really," I said, putting my hands in my pockets. "It's just that you're very predictable. A mashup of cliché tropes."

"Are you insulting my character?" He was still smiling.

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