Chapter Two

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"Niall, what's your dream?" I ask him as we lay on my roof looking at the stars, eating sweets and drinking soda. "My dream? Hmmm. To be a famous rockstar! I'd love that!" Niall gets up and starts dancing and singing. "Can you just imagine it!? Millions of fans, the rush of performing on stage, so much money to buy food!" He lays back down and puts his hands behind his head. "Wow, for a 12 year old you have some big dreams." I tell him, admiring him. Him and his ambitions. "Is that all?" I question him. "Well, I want a family too. I want to be a dad, And I want to have a successful marriage. I don't want to be divorced like my parents." He looks at me, "What's your dream?" "Me? My dream? Hmm.. I don't really have one. I'm just here to go with the flow." Niall looks at me like I'm stupid. "You're kidding, right?" I look up at the sky and think for a second. "Nope. I'm not kidding." I say. Niall turns to face me. "Let me tell you your dream. Your dream is to find a guy that will love you like you deserve to be loved. You want kids, 4 or 5 of them, and you all of them to be successful in something. Whether it's dancing, footballing, modeling, or running a huge business. You're dream is to die happy, okay?" "Okay.."

The next day, I went to church with Niall, his mom and brother. It was fun and his family really likes me. "Val, you want to stay for lunch?" His mom asks me. "Oh, I don't want to bother you guys." "No dear you're family now. You will never bother us. Plus your grandma feeds Niall all the time, It's the least I can do." I just smile and nod. "Okay, now that my room is, you can come up." Niall led me to his room. It was a cute room. The walls painted blue, video game posters and just typical boy stuff everywhere. "You want to play a game? Or watch TV?" He asked. "Sure, I don't care which." Niall turns on his TV to watch his favorite cartoon. I take a seat next to him. "You know what Derek told me today?" He says randomly. "What?" "He had his first kiss Friday night. I feel left out! All my friends have had their first kiss and I haven't." He crosses his arms. "I haven't had my first kiss either, so don't feel left out." I say. Niall looks at me, and when I look back at him, I knew we both had the same idea. We slowlymove our heads closer. "Okay.. don't move." I stay as still as possible. We close our eyes as Niall goes in for the kiss. His soft lips gently touch mine. We kissed. We were each others first kiss.


"Val?" Another familiar voice asks in the distance. I turn back and it's Derek. "Derek!" I exclaim because I haven't seen him in so long. "How are you?" I ask giving him a hug. "I'm good, I'm good. What about yourself?" "Eh, I've been better but I'm not complaining." Derek and I talk in that spot for a while. "So Niall's back in town. Maybe we can all go out to the field and play football for old time sake." Derek says wth a smile. "Oh. Yeah, maybe. Listen, I have to go. It was so nice seeing you again!" I say, trying to stop tears from running down my face.

Calling You Home: A Niall Horan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now