"Liam, meet my little sister Jade." Ellie grinned. Little Jade waved shyly.

"Hi Jade, I'm Liam." Liam smiled at the girl in a friendly manner and knotted his hands together on his lap so that they wouldn't wrap themselves around his head like they wanted to so badly.

"Hello," Jade murmured, her face beet red. Hailee came back in then with a tall man hooked through one arm and a tray of coffees balanced on the other.
She placed the tray down on the coffee table as Ellie hugged her Dad, "Liam, this is my dad Rhys," she gestured between them, her eyes sparkling.

Rhys bent over slightly to shake Liam's clammy hand, "good morning Liam, it's nice to finally meet you." He smiled in a similar way to his wife. He looked to Ellie, "Chase is out with his friends," he explained.
"Oh. . . " Ellie looked down into her coffee, obviously disappointed that she wouldn't be seeing her fourteen year old brother that she'd spoken so highly about all the way here. Liam ran a light hand down her back to show that he was there and she let out a sigh, leaning into the back of the couch.

"So anyway, how was the drive?"

After an hour or so of conversation it was lunch and Liam wasn't really feeling it. The pounding in his head was sending waves of nausea through him every so often and he didn't want to fuel it. Throwing up at his girlfriends parent's house the first time he'd been there probably wasn't the best thing and there was no way he was going to let it happen. He couldn't help but wonder why it was so bad though, he'd never had such a horrible headache in his life.

He got up from his seat dizzily, almost falling over as the light killed his poor head. Ellie steadied him and grabbed his hands worriedly, her eyes following his as they danced across the room glassily.

"What's wrong Li?" She asked, squeezing his hands gently.

"Nothing Buttercup, I'm fine," he muttered.

"No you're not Li, I know you too well for lies." She sat him back down on the couch. The room was empty by now, everyone had cleared to the kitchen. Liam grunted and leaned back on the couch. He should've known she wouldn't be that easy to fool.

"Are you feeling sick?" Was the next question.

"No, I'm feeling perfectly okay Ellie," he replied pleadingly, willing her to just drop it.

She frowned. "Then why did you almost fall over? And why are you so pale?"
"I tripped and I told you earlier, I'm tired Buttercup," Liam lied through his teeth, "now can we please go get something to eat, I'm starving."

"I'm not letting this go that easily," Ellie warned.

"I know. . . " Liam murmured and he got up, thankfully this time without tipping sideways. The room whirled around him sickeningly but he kept a straight face and Ellie let him go into the kitchen without another word about his health.

He sat down at the table and joined in the conversation when he had to, willing the time to just speed up so this could be over and he could just go to sleep. He was sure Ellie's parents thought he wasn't good enough for their amazing daughter, he'd barely uttered a word his whole visit. Why had this headache, no migraine, it had definitely reached migraine point by now, decided to hit him today of all days? Any other day and he'd be at home with Ellie looking after him which was exactly what he was craving right now.

He took a careful bite of the cheese scone he put on his plate and blinked slowly as a wave of nausea surged through him almost making him gasp out loud. He managed to prevent it by biting down on his lip and he took a deep breath to calm his gut. Thankfully it passed and he went back to nibbling the scone every now and then. He wasn't exactly eating with his usual appetite and it hadn't gone past Ellie's unnaturally sharp observance.

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