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Grace's P.O.V.

Well, if first hour wasn't the most stupid thing I could have done I don't know what is. The rest of that class was kinda quiet we exchanged glances here and there. I enjoyed them.

Oh and you didn't think I only had my first class with Johnny did you?

Well, nope I conveniently have my last class with him too. I say that with pure sarcasm.

Honestly, I have mixed emotions.

There's part of me that's like 'Johnny? Johnny? I wanna see Johnny! Is that Johnny over there?'
and then there's that part that's like 'Avoid Johnny Cade at all costs. Must avoid to avoid awkwardness. AVOID AVOID AVOID.'
Ya know?

The day kind of went by fast, figures right?
Anyways, on my way to my last hour I spot Ponyboy in the hallway. I smile at him and then he does something I didn't expect.

Well, at first he smiles but then he mouths what looked to be "Johnny" and winks. I roll my eyes and punch his arm as he walks by. I look back to see his reaction and he pretends to look hurt. I laugh and turn back around but then I hit a brick wall.

At least, it felt like a brick wall. It was none other than Dallas Winston. Well, like I said, brick wall.
"Hey watch where you're goin kid-- Oh it's just you Grace."

I mock him, "Yeah it's just me."

He gives me a hand to help me up.

"Well thanks." I smile.

"Don't mention it kid but don't run into me again." He warns.

"Oh shut up you technically ran into me too. Also, who are you calling kid? You're only a year older than me, ya know."

"Doesn't matter. I think the name suits ya, kid." He smirks.

I roll my eyes and look at the clock. The late bell rings.

"You know you should probably get to class kid." Dally says interrupting my thoughts.

"I know, I know. Hey, that reminds me. Why are you here? I thought you were "too tuff for school". I say as I walk towards my class.
He follows.
"I am. I needed to give this to Johnny." He pulls out a paper bag.
"Have you seen him kid? I'd be surprised if you haven't." He smirks again.
I swear my eyes are gonna roll out of my head if I don't stop.

"Earlier but I have him in my next class that you've made me late to."

"Oh. Then give this to him kid will ya?" He hands me the bag.

"I guess so." I finally reach my class.

"Thanks kid, you're alright." Then he walks away.

Well that was weird, but kinda nice. I stop outside my class and decide to do what any curious teenage girl would do, look in the bag of course. There's just a slip of paper? I grab it and open the slip.

It reads:
'Johnny meet me at the dingo at 5 don't be late. ~Dally'

Hm. I wonder what for? I don't know but I wanna find out. And I can't go alone it'll be too obvious. No, maybe I shouldn't.

I finally walk into class and see Johnny. He smiles at me.

But maybe I should.

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