Chapter One

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News stations all over the coast of California had heard one of the juiciest stories that they could get their hands on. One of the Teen Titans, the most humble, and well known superheroes in California had enrolled one of their own into a mental facility. No word had been said why she was put in the facility, but there was a rumor going around that she is severely depressed.

Now Raven was never one for attention, but after her almost suicide, almost all of California knew about it. She sat alone in a vacant room at a mental facility that the Titans had put her in. Of course this wasn't their first choice of action, but after speaking with a few doctors they believed this to be one the best success plans for their friend. She couldn't fight in this mental condition, and clearly she wasn't going to talk about what made her like this anytime soon. So, taking a rash course of action Robin enrolled Raven into the closest mental hospital.

Raven's P.O.V

It was supposed to be over, I wasn't supposed to still be alive, but here I was. And in a mental hospital, now this wasn't my first choice, but this hospital had the highest success rate. Anything to help my 'mental health'. I'm surprised they hadn't kicked me off the team right away after I woke up in the Medical Room. I tried a few times before but this was the first time they had caught me, and I was in a hell of a lot of trouble.

All the closest news stations had already found out about my new home at the hospital, and I bet the others were being scrutinized, all of them wondering how I got this way. Well it had all started when she came, she ruined everything. She took away him, and all of me, she had already killed half of my emotions, leaving everything dark and grieving in their places. I don't remember what it's like to be happy, all I know now is how the pain feels. Pure emotional pain, and I thought death might solve that problem, but instead I pay the price. However, I'm not ready to hear questions and be asked over and over again why. But I want everyone to listen, without judging. It's not my fault that I am like this, but it is Terra's.

No One's P.O.V

The Titans walked into the lobby of 'Get Better Soon' center in downtown California. They were here to visit their friend, to see what happened, and hopefully insure that she would get better. As they walked down the hallways to her room, they couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. But this was Raven, on a normal basis and normal circumstances they wouldn't be afraid to talk to their dark friend. However after BeastBoy had found Raven almost dead in her room, they had been scared and nervous to find the real reason behind why she tried to kill herself a few days ago.

What had happened, the day they found out, had been as normal as any other day. Nothing was out of the ordinary and everything was happy and Raven was perfectly fine. Was she really fine, or was she hiding all of the emotional scars the others suspected hid behind her emotionless eyes? If she could be so perfect at pretending to be okay, then how long had this really been going on. They had all seen the old scars, with their own eyes. All had felt the heartache and pure terror, knowing their friend might not make it out of this. But today they hoped they could listen, and find out the answers that had been on their brains since they had found Raven. What happened?

When they got to her room, Raven was sitting on her bed looking out the window, a blank expression on her face. Her eyes were zoned, like she was in deep thought, but none of them knew what she could possibly be thinking. Her eyes looked dark and sunken in, like she had barely slept the night before, her arms bandaged, but they all knew what was underneath those bandages. Her once shiny and beautiful lavender hair was simply straight and fell to her shoulders with a limp lifelessness. If her shoulders hadn't been moving, it would've been easy to say that she wasn't alive.

Robin cleared his throat and Raven simply looked over, shrugged, and then turned back to the window a frown on her features. "Hey Raven, um how are you?" Silence engulfed the room for a few minutes, Raven continued to stare out the window as she turned around and faced her friends. "Fine I guess, tired they have me on so many meds." Her voice, in it's natural monotone, seemed to lose the life it had once had to it. "They're just trying to help." She rolled her eyes, "Whatever, if they wanted to help then they should've let me die." They were shocked, and Starfire burst into tears. "NO friend, your death would not help the situation at all. We want you to be the happy friend and be better. Don't say that you want to die" Tears were streaming down her face as her boyfriend tried to comfort her. Raven just looked at her with a blank expression, like she didn't care what she had to say, nothing could change her mind.

After some more tears and pain breaking silence, BeastBoy had finally had enough. "What happened Raven, I know I know, you don't want to talk about it, but I, I mean we, need to know. Honestly, we just want you better and back home." Raven sighed, taking one more look out the window she turned on the bed to look at BeastBoy. "I, I don't know how to explain what happened. It would take weeks to hear the full story." She took a deep breath and looked at the floor. "Okay, first answer for me, how long has this been going on?" She kept looking at the floor, pretending to take a lot of interest in the small cracks in the tile. However, their patience was wearing thin. "Raven, please answer." She sighed once more before she looked back up at all the titans. "Six months ago." A few gasps escaped their mouths and Raven looked at the floor once again. "When Terra came back?" All Raven did was nod, and BeastBoy angrily left the room as a single tear went down Raven's cheek. "Right after she came back." She whispered, but the rest had heard. "Why?" Raven looked at each of them, tears threatening to escape. "Because Terra was the one, the one who broke me. Can't you see that? I don't know how to explain how exactly, right now is not the time, but she did." Raven turned around and continued to stare out the window.

Let's just say, this was going to become more twisted and dark the further they went. As they tried to find the pieces that had broken off. And hopefully put their friend back together, before she fell apart even more.

A/N Okay I made another chapter, but it probably sucks so fair warning. I know what I want to do for this story and I apologize if the story is a bit slow. I just wrote this chapter on a whim with no plan in mind. So I am sorry if the first chapter is better, but I promise there will be way more BB/Rae, but he's with Terra right now. And if you didn't know already, Terra didn't come with the other titans to the hospital. She 'offered' to look after the tower, whatever, it was 'so hard' to not go because they were such 'great friends'. Ugh cry me a river. Clearly I am not a big fan of Terra... Now anyway that is the end of my ramble goodbye everyone.


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