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I dedicate this one to @mandy45lynn. love you you are a rockstar!! thank you for supporting me and Aislin through each scene. 


Until recently i learned the truth about the world. That nothing is what it seems. No one is who they say they are. i learned the hard way there are worse things than the boogeyman. Don't believe in what people say because when you see the truth for what it really is it should scare you into making you want to run. 

After chasing Rider away Wesley came back to Starkhouse ready for war. I go to a reformed high school for overindulged brats with an attitude that have rich parents except unlike them I got in with a scholarship because of my mental health issues. Suddenly I'm the poster board for mentally unstable.

Since our main threat was gone it was safe for me to finish out the remainder of our senior year. Hello my name is Aislin Striker. i'm sixteen and i would love to be normal. but normal is one thing i'm not. 

for one thing I have a gift. I can see ghosts. Yes just like in the movies. But what TV doesn't tell you is how much claiming to be a medium messes up with your social life.

there were always new ghosts that needed help crossing over. i help people who are just about to die. 

not normal

 i can leave my physical body by appearing to them as what they think an angel should look like. 

As far away from normal as it gets. 

 And finally until recently I found out I was a full blown angel. -the wings hadn't grown in as of yet and i was ripping fingernails because from what i'd heard it was a painful one time experience. 

definitely not normal. 

i still had no clue what angel i was and i gave up on needing answers right away.  

There was one normal thing that i could definitely go without. Unfortunately the people in my life sought fit to think otherwise.

I had to admit Kira looked beautifully elegant in her black princess petal dress with matching strap on ribbon heels. Her dark makeup enhanced her violet colored eyes and apple round cheeks. "now, i know you said no birthdays, however, turning eighteen does only happens once." because it was Kira we let her give a toast. at least it was a short one. 

-i didn't say it was a good one

Of course everyone laughs when she finishes. No matter what part of St. Petersville they were from nobody could escape Kiras magnetic charm. It came with the responsibility of being an angel. Apparently we had an irresistible halo that drew people to us. 

Kira was nothing like chanel and yet we had become the best of friends despite our immature differences. i looked at wesley from across the buffet table and smiled back at him. there was a void that could not be filled inside of wesley and that was okay because at least he wasn't shutting me out. 

when people start chanting i stand up and look back at them. 

as for toby, the twins- danika and joshua- kept him busy with their tendency of overstepping boundaries both in the shadowland world and the human world. (i still considered their friendship dysfunctional, however, when it mattered they got things done.)  

"Speech Speech Speech!" they all chant excited, happy, jubilant.

i smile widely. 

looking around the table at my friends i couldn't help but feel grateful.  i hadn't felt this good in a long time and the devil on my shoulder started whispering things in my ear. I tried to block the internal doom that kind of always ruined everything for me. 

Wingspan(Paranormal, Young Adult) MAJOR EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now