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"I don't know why we bother coming to these things." kira grumbles.

i didn't like the idea either but there was no need to complain about it. yet no matter how she protested kira stuck it out with us.

i should have known something was off the moment i'd arrived and saw no one else but the small group i came with. no, it was not how i thought commemorating a homework free night would go, but i went along with it anyway.

it's not like i had anything better to do. chanel was MIA and not even i could take another quiet evening and not loose my marbles.

funny, the kind of things you miss. for me, that was TV. it wasn't my movie of choice but that didn't mean i wasn't all for it.

From where i stood gore was better than anything. At least it wasn't a Romantic Comedy. God. I hated those.

while Kira starts going at it again with Mason, i look out for mya uncertain if she was coming or not. i would have invited her with me but she wasn't a big fan of kira and i wasn't sure what the boys would say if i brought someone with me.

the whole situation was tricky. kira and mya were both good friends of mine and because of that i wanted to keep conflict at bay. so to keep the peace i didn't mention going to Fright Night to Mya and if i so happened to see mya in line i was going to say hi.

"are you okay?" wesley asks. his bangs flipped in the wind moving all directions.

though meant with good intentions our adventure was slightly misguided to say the least.

i hug my arms to stop from shivering. "peachy." i turn facing him. his brown eyes bore into mine. "if i knew i would be standing outside in a mild storm i would have brought a proper jacket. im freezing like a meat locker over here." i say looking around, hopeful to find a sign of activity from inside the dark library. Nothing.

Mason had said this was The Thing To Do at Starkhouse and that if we wanted the good seats we needed to get there early.

so where was everyone at? it was freakin dead out here, no pun intended.

i had a good view of the dorms from my spot in line. i groan silently. instead of following Kira blindly i should have suggested to her that we wait inside the dorm building where it was warm and safe from the violent wind, at least until the lights turned on inside the library.

yeah, that was another miscalculation. the library was just as upbeat as the outside. if i didn't know any better i would have walked straight through the quad on a Friday night and completely passed the closed library and kept on going without a second thought.

the buildings all looked the same to me: dark grey stones covered with thick heavy vines of ivy. perched on top were the same gargoyles i'd seen countless times before everywhere. the imposing figures were hard not to miss.

"see?" kira chimes mocking mason. "im not the only one who thinks standing outside is a lousy idea. im not listening to what you say next time. gosh mason, this is the best time. just riveting." kiras mouth snarls, her acidic words landing on her target and creating the opposite effect of its intended put down.

"give it time." mason says, still smiling.

i had to say, out of everyone mason was thoroughly convinced people would start to make their way over. i should have believed in him more.

he was right; for all of kiras indecision it wasn't long after more bodies lined up behind us.

students, some i had class with, others i didn't know were dressed in their onesees and animal fur slippers.

Wingspan(Paranormal, Young Adult) MAJOR EDITING**حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن