ninety three

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"Nox de nocturna."

"A what? You know I don't speak whatever that was."

Danika rolls her eyes and glares intensely in my direction.

i keep my head straight and try not to look at her at an attempt for survival of the fittest. 

i would say danika was about my height. and yet i was intimidated by her. her imposing 'nobility' made her conceited and arrogant. then there was the nuvo vampire chic attire that made me think twice about addressing her. 

"Intimate advisers that help us conceive and review our blueprint with us and is at our side every step of the way from now to recycle. think of them as guides that we are very close to and trust with our soul- our life force. All guides have spent at least one lifetime as angels themselves, you know." Toby explains.

i distinctly could feel my face contort as i tried to conceive just what that entitled. i think i would've known if i had a Nox de whatever they're called. no ones ever been in my life long enough to fill the role.

"They're like helpers. They give guidance on how to control our energy. They're always their especially when you first start out."

i nod my head at tobys words. "your guide helped you with your persuasion influence that's why you're so good and strong." 

toby Grins. "Yup." then he sees the concern on my face and his features soften. "Hey, don't worry. you're still part angel so whoever's your Nox de nortuna will know just what type of practice you need to get you working on control." he said with a softer voice.

i didnt have time to thank him when Danika showed her displeasure by snorting.  

toby grimaced and was about to speak up but danika didn't seem to give a care as she paraded over to spit hateful comments at him some more. 

"hold it sparky we still don't know what she is let alone the full extension of her grace." danika spits out heatedly. "we're under siege and low in numbers to boot, and you want to add more baggage than we can afford to carry? what if she gets herself killed?" Danika goes silent and a sheen twinkled in her eyes. "wait a minute, can that be arranged?" 

tobys lips start to quirk ever so slightly. "danikas right." he says smiling while he sheathed knives around his waist.  

 "whether or not you are the destroyer we've been searching for is irrelevant. we can't be around all the time as bodyguards its time you learn to defend yourself." toby tightened the lace to his kick ass boots. he straightened his stance and grined at danika. 

"she's all yours." he winks. "remember, lower body is fair game just no scratches on her face."

i wrinkle my nose. "whats wrong with my face?" i ask touching my cheek. 

"-You can't be serious." danika argues profoundly. 

when that didn't work she gestured her arm at me up and down as if she were visually explaining in what ways i was deficient. "She's just some sparkle time thing you keep around. She's not even one of us!" she yelled outraged that toby would even think i was worthy of her time and insulted all the same. 

i stay quiet watching them bicker from my spot on the chair. hey, it was comfortable, more so than my own bed. my body ached something bloody awful. the throbbing headache set in between my eyebrows didn't help.

and those ankle cuffs secured to the chair those didnt budge. you bet I tried until i found out they got smaller each time i thrashed wildly. thankfully my wits got to me before the panick attack did and i stopped fighting it.    

Wingspan(Paranormal, Young Adult) MAJOR EDITING**Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat