Chapter 1- . Oh Juliet, Juliet! Wherefore art thou Juliet?

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Chapter 1- Oh Juliet, Juliet! Wherefore art thou Juliet?

Andy's POV

She broke up with me. I took out another cigarette. She wasn't here anymore. I lighted up the cigarette. I'll never see her, I won't see her smile bright up on her face. I took a sip from the cigarette. It's over. I exhaled the smoke. She used me. I looked at the glass I was holding in my other hand where 'White Rabbit' was written, I was shaking and I drank the whiskey. I'm useless without her. I tapped on the cigarette lightly. I'm nothing without her. I took another sip. What's the point of life? I exhaled the smoke again watching it escaping my mouth. She was my point of living, now I'm nothing. I looked at the time when I heard someone knocking on the door. I sighing finishing my glass and walking over. Juliet? Juliet, I want to be your Romeo. I was hoping it was her. I opened the door very slowly, I looked through my wet eyes after crying for hours, my eyes fell heavy and sleep, I was tired of myself I didn't want to bother anymore.

"Andy! You'll be late for the show tonight and the meet and greet!" The manager yelled in my face, I could see his anger. Oh, I wish I could have this much anger! I wished I could be angry at Juliet and not upset.

I nodded very tired. "Coming." I say quietly putting my shoes very slowly, I remember how much we used to play around together. I looked up again hoping it was Juliet who was telling me to hurry but she wasn't there so I sighed sadly.

I walked to the car, I flopped over on the back seat waiting for time to pass. I couldn't be bothered with myself anymore. I just wanted Juliet. Only her. Just her. With me, and nobody else. I closed my eyes and the only image I could picture was Juliet. Oh Juliet, Juliet! Wherefore art thou Juliet?

Dream's P.O.V

For the moment, nobody was talking about Andy's breaking up with Juliet. I was one of the rare people to know about it.

It broke my heart to know how much someone could have been so mean to Andy! He was Angel, my angel. Nobody had the right to hurt so much my Angel. The one who can make me smile when I just want to cry, the Angel who makes my heart beat, he was and he is still my Angel! Forever and until the end.

I was waiting for the band to come and I was hoping Andy wasn't too destroyed by the fact Juliet broke up with him and used him. If something happened to him, I'll never forgive her and I'll never pardon myself to not protect Andy with all my life.

Andy's P.O.V

I got up trying to keep my eyes opened, but my eyes were so heavy I couldn't stop them closing at some point. I looked around at who was around, it was the manager and the band. They were all waiting for me. I didn't know at what time I had to be there but I had a feeling I was pretty late. They didn't say anything to me, just looked at me worried. I didn't want people to worry for me, or pity me. I just wanted Juliet to care for me and always be there for me. But I forgot she wasn't. I took out another cigarette from the pack. I looked up at them, they seemed even more worried. I sighed and put it back in the pack, I hated when they looked at me like that.

"Let's go." I said trying to get my head around what was going on, they all didn't say a word and followed me to the hall for the meet and greet.

I opened the door, they were all cheering, screaming my names and clapping. They gave me a head ache. I looked around trying to see how many people were, but I could barely see the band, so trying to see what was straight in front of me was even harder. I sighed while I rubbed my eyes and heard the fans' 'aw'. I only wanted Juliet's 'Aw' when she knew I was tired and I wanted to cuddle with her, laying my head on her chest and she would play with my hair and sing me the song she wrote for me, I thought it was for me, she said it was for me, but it wasn't. It was just one of her way to use and manipulate me into her trap. I stopped rubbing my eyes quickly when I heard the fan and grabbed the pen John gave me before we entered the hall. I wanted this meet and greet over as quickly as possible!

I tried to be nice with them, but all their faces were confused, worried and even blanked. I tried my best to smile when someone smiled to me but I couldn't stop thinking of Juliet's smile and how much I loved it.

Dream's P.O.V

I saw him. He was signing papers. He didn't smile. He was upset. He tried to smile to her, no it doesn't look natural. I know Andy, I know when he's happy and sad. He's trying his best to be happy but I can see in his eyes how much they were in pain. He must be thinking about Juliet. I was hiding between people, I was looking at my idol upset and trying his best to hold back his tears.

She made him cry! She hurt my Angel! She broke my saviour! I hate her! She has no right, no one has the right to hurt Andy, and nobody deserves that right to break him in half and little pieces after.

I watched him, unable to say I was there, he rarely notice me but today he really wasn't himself and I was scared to tell him I was there though at the same time I wanted to run into his arm and be there to comfort him, to tell him everything will be okay.

I tried to call his name, but he looked away and carried on with his signing. Maybe he didn't hear me, yeah he probably didn't. He was too much into his thought and hoping he could hear his name yelled by Juliet, not me. Of course I'm nothing for him. I'll never be. And every time I think of it, it hurts deeply. I just want his attention, I just want him to tell me I'm the one and I'm beautiful. Those few words that no one said to be before. But no. He never said anything that was nice to me apart 'thank you' every time I gave him presents, gift and a smile.

"Andy" I said once everybody had their turn. My voice was weak, I hated to see him so hurt.

Andy's P.O.V

I turned around when I heard my name. I was hoping it was Juliet's voice I heard. I looked for Juliet with a smile on my face trying to find her in the crowd but when I saw this girl, the face I barely looked at, my smile disappeared so quickly. She wasn't there. It was her. That girl, she's so young and though she made me smile for the first time since I had Juliet's text.

I sighed in anger, I was angry that Juliet wasn't there.

"I just wanted to give you this." She said softly handing me a red rose.

I looked at it not thinking anything about it, just like other gift she gave me before. I shrugged, I wasn't bothered by it. "What do you want?" I said meanly. I couldn't stand her anymore. I wanted Juliet more than anyone. I wanted her by my side. I didn't want her rose or any other gift, but Juliet! Her body, her smile, her smile, her laugh, her eyes shining, everything about her but no one else! "Go away! We don't need you here." I said with poison in my voice. Nobody else could have me apart Juliet. She looked at me with full tears in her eyes. She didn't move. "I said GO AWAY!" I got annoyed with her. She didn't move, so I did leaving her with her tears and her fucking rose.

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