Chapter 11: Heart's Song

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Chapter 11: Heart’s Song

Kira POV

I hopped on the back of Haru’s bike and smiled. I saw the pub, and pointed to it grinning, we were going to go to the park but there was a birthday party there so we ditched that idea. It was a karaoke bar and we sat down laughing and reminiscing. I loved hearing about all my old friends in Japan, they all were cheering us on and threatening me to visit soon or they’ll sick evil monkeys on me.

"Wait seriously, that’s what Kimi said?!"

"Word for word ‘tell Kira that she better get her skanky lil’ ass down here, or there will be evil monkeys and old man zombies to pay!!!’" Haru laughed

"Omigawd, we have bat crazy friends…" I looked away in a daze, "what’s to become of future Japan when she becomes an adult…" I sighed

"Crap I don’t wanna think about that!" Haru looked like he was in total horror.

"I’ll protect you!" I cooed

"I’m the protector here…" He grumbled I laughed at his pouting face and held his hand. I was about to go on when the spot light shined on us. I squinted

"Laaaaaaaaaadieeeess and gentlemen, our next spotlight duet! Come on up!!!"

I grabbed Haru’s hand as the song started it was Neyo’s Sexy Love (video on side-->)

K "My sexy love…Oooohooh"

H "She makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up… with just one touch…"

K "I still get butterflies each time he passes by… I can’t say why…"

H "and I just can’t think…"

B "of anything else I’d rather do…"

K "Then to hear you sing…"

B "sing my name the way you do"

H "when we do our thing"

B "when we do the things we do… baby know you make me say…Oooohoooohoo. Sexy love and the things you do, keeps me sprung keeps me running back to you, oooh I love, making love to you ooohooh. Baby you know you’re my, sexy love."

K "He makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up… with just one touch…"

H "say that I’m simph and I’m sprung, all of the above, I can hope she make me say"

B "ooohooohoo"

H "and I just can’t think…"

B "of anything else I’d rather do…"

K "Then to hear you sing…"

B "sing my name the way you do"

H "when we do our thing"

B "when we do the things we do… baby you know your my, sexy love, sexy love and the things you do, keeps me sprung keeps me running back to you, oooh I love, making love to you ooohooh. Baby you know you’re my, sexy love"

H "baby what we do, it makes the sun come up, keep our love until it goes back down."

K "boy I just can’t get enough of you my sexy love.

B "That is why I’m keeping you around. My Sexy Love! , sexy love and the things you do, keeps me sprung keeps me running back to you, oooh I love, making love to you ooohooh. Baby you know you’re my, sexy love"

K "He makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up…"

B "with just one touch…"

We sang the last bit looking at each other, Haru started to lean down. He was just an inch away then he turned and hopped off stage and out the pub, I saw he had put his mic into the stand behind me. I put the mic back and ran after him. I made it to his bike and saw him leaning on it; he was looking at the moon with his hands clenched. I walked over, and lightly put my hand on his shoulder, he tensed. I started to move my hand away, but he grabbed my hand.

"Haru…Look at me." He only squeezed my hand a little in response. "Haru… Please?"

He turned around holding my hand still. "Haru… let me see your eyes…" He opened them and I saw they were silver in this light, his hair bluish black and skin pale… I pushed some of his hair out of his eyes, and he grabbed that hand and kissed the palm. I felt my cheeks heat up and watched as he turned my hand over and kissed the top, then each of my fingers. He then did the other hand, he kissed the palm and laid the left back on his cheek but led my right hand over his heart… it was beating fast…

"Kira… do you see my eyes?" He whispered

"Yes…" I whispered back

"Do you feel my heart?" He asked a little steadier.


"Do you hear what it’s saying…? What it’s singing?"

I looked into Haru’s eyes I was at a loss for words… I knew him better than anyone… I could always hear his heart’s song… and what I heard tonight….




It was singing that he loved me.

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