Chapter 10: 18th birthday

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WARNING: Sex scene coming up, there's going to be many sex positions. If you don't want to read this then you may skip. Okay?

Nikki's POV

It's been a month since Ethan and I kissed at Collins Hotel that night. After our make-out session Nathan took me home immediately because mom and dad wants us to be home safely at 9 pm sharp. I was really sad that I had to leave Ethan's suite when we are about to have another make-out session, but it's okay we have been seeing each other lately and ended up kissing secretly. It's either on his house or my house.

Heather and Penny were helping me in getting ready for my 18th birthday that will be held at Collins Hotel; same place where Ethan and I kissed for the first time. Penny zips the back of my pink nude lace embroidered dress while Heather paints my nails. Mom was the one applying heavy make-up on me, although I told her it was going to be a light one.

"Mom, why do you chose heavy make-up instead of light? You know how much I look like a clown and everyone is going to laugh at me," I whined, crossing my arms like a childish brat.

Mom just sighed heavily as she finishes putting make-up on my face and grabs a pair of pink high heel shoes as she places them on the floor in order for me to wear it. I look over to my mirror and I gasped in awe. Oh my gosh! I look so fuc-- I mean so gorgeous on this dress, except for the make-up.

I wanted to cry right now, but of course my make-up would be ruined," I'm so beautiful."

"Yes you are dear, I can't believe my daughter is turning eighteen," She exclaimed as she pulled me into a hug.

"Oh wait," Heather snapped," Your hair."

"What's up with my hair?"

"It needs a makeover. Hmmm........ Oooh! I know just the perfect hairstyle for you," She winked at me as she goes over to a drawer and grabs a hair curler.

I groaned," Seriously? Curl my hair? That's not enough."

"Not just plain curls, I'm planning to braid your hair first, which is in a different kind of braid, and then curl the remaining parts of your hair that aren't going to be braided."

I just smiled at her truthfully, although that was a fake one. I clearly do not understand what she was explaining to me about my hair. I'm just praying that this hair of mine is not going to be as messy as I thought it would be. I'll rip her hair apart if my hair is fucked up.

After less than ten minutes my hair was done. I look in the mirror and was flabbergasted at what I saw. Okay, I feel more beautiful than before. I hope everyone is going to like me as I enter the ballroom.

"You look amazing with that hair."

"I know, so can we go now? The guests are waiting for me there," I said impatiently as they all nodded and start packing up before we hop into a limo owned by the Collins exclusively.

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