The Makeover

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~Your P.O.V

I didn't bother to complain as the two twins dragged me to a mirror with various tools.I took a quick glance at them and saw a brush and a pair of scissors.Before I could complain,the bangs of hair that I grew were cut off.The long hair which used to reach halfway down y back was cut,and then they brushed my shaggy hair,bringing a sort of shine to it. "Now,we are  going to put some contacts in those eyes of yours." They went right in my face and I desperately tried not to look at them.

I didn't want anyone to know anyone's future.I wanted to be like them,blindfolded,not knowing their future.Except,my blindfold is faulty.I could see the future unlike others.My mother told me that I wasn't alone though.She told me that there are a few people out there with the same ability as I did.Some could see the future some could see the past.We will know when we meet the person since we can both see our past and future.So far, I haven't met any.

After the contacts went in,they gazed at my eyes. "Why did you hide this, Y/N? your are very handsome you know?" I just looked at the floor.Can't anyone tell I was a girl?No need to complain I guess.The blonde,Tamaki ran up to me. "Aw,Y/N! you are so handsome! You are going to be a great host!" What in the name is a host? This didn't seem like the typical definition of one in a dictionary. "What is you definition of  a host?" Tamaki bounded up to me with sparkling eyes.Well, it when handsome boys host girls and flirt with them to make them happy! Our duty as host is to make every girl!" So, I joined the club of love.

"I don't really think I am cut out for this." Tamaki didn't even listen to what I had to say. "Oh,such a silky voice! The girls will love you!" The twins just rolled their eyes and turned the seat so the other host could see me.I could see their jaws literally drop except for Mori and Kyoya. "Wow Y/N-chan! You look so handsome!" Kyoya just fingered his glasses."This is a very interesting transformation." I glanced at Haruhi. "Haruhi are you a girl,aren't you?" I smirked. "Why do you even spend time with these idiotic boys?" Tamaki ran up to e with all the drama he could master. "How did you figure out my daughter's secret?!" He gasped at my chair with a river of tears coming out of his eyes.

I was disgusted but turned away from him. "Well, I broke a vase that they were about to auction,so I am working off my debt here." Haruhi scratched the back of her neck.I nodded. "I see." SInce all the interesting conversation was finished,I turned back  to my book. "Y/N! You still haven't  learnt the art of being a host!" I just rolled my eyes.There is an art of being an idiot now?I never knew."I am sure I can pick it up.I turned back to the book I was reading. "Well we'll see how you go."

 "But mommy!" Mommy? Is this club really filled with idiots?They aren't even related by blood. "We haven't gave him a type or rose color!" I snapped my book shut. "Well, I think I should get the color black,is that taken already?" Tamaki placed a finger on  his chin. "Nope! You can have that then! Now a type...."Tamaki's face went blank. "You can't give me a type if you haven't seen me host yet." Tamaki brightened. "Of course! Well, the girls are coming soon ! "Good Luck!"

I don't need good luck from you, you idiot."Welcome m'ladies." I gave them a  flirtatious smirk at the door.The girls started blushing and fawning over me. "Are you a new host?" They asked me. "Yes, I am m'ladies." I turned and gave them each a black rose. "I hope you don't think I am flirting with you,lovely ladies. I'm just being extra friendly to someone who is very attractive. "The girls squealed.We somehow managed to make it to the table which I was allocated. "Take a seat,m'ladies." The girls sat on the plush couch,blushing and talking to themselves.I sat there,I didn't know what to do next.

"Y/N, what is wrong?" I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and shot them my famous smirk. "I'm so sorry m'lady.It's just when I look into your eyes,I tend to forget all about my thoughts. "The girl's face erupted in red. "Now my beautiful ladies,tell me about yourselves." I soon learnt that my five clients were named Ai,Aika,Emi,Chou,and Hitomi. "I sure hope I can see you ladies soon. I will be counting down the hours till I see you again." The  girls looked like they were about to faint.This is just disturbing.A girl flirting with a bunch of girls who don't even realize that  they are attracted to the same gender.

"We will definitely come!" I tilted Ai's chin with my finger. "That is wonderful,m'ladies.I hope you bring some of your wonderful friends with you." The girls ran off with tomato faces.I silently thanks myself for reading those mushy love stories.

~Hikaru's P.O.V~

I stared in surprise at Y/N's act,he was natural despite his personality.An introvert,a genius boy who didn't want to do anything except academics. Kaoru and I silently watched the girls go red and run out of the room with hearts surrounding them.I don't know what sort of thing F/N.He was a the picture of every girls dream I have to admit.A gentleman,hot looking,nice body and had nice hair and good eyes

I wonder why he hid it in the first place. Didn't hid parents ever try to tell him not to hide his features? I wonder what F/N's past was like.It didn't seem like a good one since he hardly had any friends here.

~Your P.O.V~

I looked over at one of the nearby hosting tables to find Hikaru's and Kaoru's clients drooling at me openly at me.I might as well continue my act.I got out of my seat and walked  up to them and lifted one random girl's chin,bringing her face close to mine."Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back."

~Kaoru's P.O.V

"Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I will give it back." Y/N said in a silky,flirtatious voice,Our clients flushed into a tomato red,something we hardly ever managed to do.We only got a blush out of them."Well,I am certainly jealous m'ladies.I was hoping that I was going to get to know you better." F/N shot them a flirtatious smirk. "I warn you Hikaru and Kaoru,I will soon be stealing your ladies." I looked into his eyes to find him begging to continue the act. "Y\N,we definitely not loose them to you,besides,I love my ladies as much as my twin.They are our toys after all."The girls blushed at our statement.

Unfortunately,we don't make them go wild like Y/N.Well,it didn't really help that we had to do a 'twincest'  act.

~ Your P.O.V ~

I walked away and went to my hosting table and grabbed out a book.It was a book about drugs,and focused on a man's drug experiences.It was called Naked Lunch.I 

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