Family Emergency

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I am writing this chapter into Roberto's POV. it is going to be a filler. and also you can learn some more about both Aphrodite and The Vampire king.)

Roberto POV

"Roberto dear its time to go" my loving wife said.

I looked up at her and kissed her softly on the lips.

"Alright, wish the kids goodnight for me." I said graving my coat and driving over to Zarics house.

Twenty minutes later.

I knocked on the door and didnt get a response, so I had just barged in.

"Anyone home!" I shouted.

Knowing somebody had to of heard me. in return I was greeted with a muffled scream.

Typical, the man in the fucking torture chamber.

I walked down the many flights of stairs and entered the code for the door to unlock.

The door made a beep and the door popped open.

I walked down the hall and took a left and came face to face with the clean up crew and Zaric and a few of the guards.

"Zaric, the party is to begin in about thirty minutes and you were invited." I said calmly.

Knowing that he wasn't going to leave until he got all the information out of the tortured guy that he needed.

Zaric punched the guy in the gut causing him to double over. the guy spat on Zaric shoe and laughed about it.

Zaric looked at me with raised eyebrows.

He grabbed the man by the hair, and finally just sliced his throat with a butchers knife.

"What party?" he asked. whipping his bloody hands on a rag.

"The royal showing? please tell me you didn't forget. I seriously am not going by myself!" I sputter.

Zaric waved his head and looked at me.

"And exactly who is this royal showing for?" he said. giving me his full attention.

"The child of King Arture and Queen Gazelle." I said at last knowing that I am waisting time.

"Ahh? I didn't know they had a child. when is the showing suppose to start again?" he asked seriously.

"Well." I looked down at my watch.
"In About twenty minutes, if we drive fast enough." I said.

"Well simply tell them that, I can't make it." he said.

"And why so! you know tht you could find your mate tonight. for it could even be the newest royal soon to be queen." I said.

Zaric laughed.

"As if I would want a mate right now life is to exciting and why would I want a shrew that is just going to want to bore children and cook.

For I want my life full of party's and adventure, even though I am royal I choose any person to be my mate.

So I assure you that I won't find a women at the showing tonight. simply tell them that I have an family emergency and that I can't make it." he finished his rant.

I nodded my head and left headed for the showing.

But Zaric is right. every royal has a chance to trade in their real mate for someone else.

Because back in time people were mates with the royals and they would abuse the royal powers of ruling of taking over. so therefore the moon goddess set the royals a wish,one would say. they can switch out their mate with another and set their old mate equal with a person of the same cruelness and those two would become mates. bonded forever.

I looked up and seen that I was here.

I hopped out and handed the valet my keys. he nodded and left while I walked into the mansion,ready for the party to be over.

I noticed that I have arrived a little late but nothing that I really missed.

The king and queen had already made an entrance and the princess to.

I walked around the building, noticing stares from different supernaturals.

I went to get a drink and caught a few clips of gossip.

"Have you seen the new princess, she must of had died he hair."

I looked over to see a group of gold diggers talking in a large group.

So I just sipped my drink carefully and listened even longer.

"Who dresses like that to a royal showing!" one of the screeched.

Obviously jealous of someone.

"She looks like a tramp! no one should dress like that! even if you are the future queen."

I finally zoomed out and started walking over to the dance floor.

That is until I was bumped into.

"I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going!"I looked up from the ground and saw what had of been the most beautiful girl that I had ever seen.

Then I felt this feeling in my gut. not a sexual feeling but an guardian feeling. like it was my job to save her. like I was playing a big brother role.

That's when it hit me! I'm her blood guardian.

I looked into her eyes and felt the connection forming.

"My name is Aphrodite and you are?" she asked.

"My name is Roberto, may I have this dance." I asked.

She accepted and we talked about everything. from food to color even back to my family at home.

It all felt natural as if the guardian bind is already forming. and it felt more as if she was my daughter and I had to protect her.

Towards the end of the dance she asked one question that trapped me.

"So where is vampire king?" she asked.

I stuttered stepped in my dancing but quickly fixed it.

"Family emergency" I said with a clipped voice.

The dance ended and I wished her goodbye.

"I will see you again soon." I said. intending to keep my promise.

When I rushed home I ran into my room and jumped on her surprising her and telling her all about what happened and how I am now a future blood guardian to one of the most elite and extinct blood lines.

Then it hit me.

I still had to tell Zaric!





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