Chapter 9: Starting to Mend the Broken

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Silas gentle cupped my cheek, "I can help you, Sang, if you'd like," he offers. "I won't look, you can trust me. Let me help you."

I let Silas help me back up and he turns me so our backs are to the mirror and I am facing the wall. He carefully helps me lift the shirt over my head, I hear his intake of breath as the full damage to my back and side is shown.

"Oh Sang," his voice is tortured, before he lets out an angry word in another language. Having him so close, and then hearing the anger in his voice has me flinching away from him and cowering.

I try to step away, but he gently captures me pulling me back against his chest. I am intensely aware that I am standing in his arms practically naked, with just my worn bra on. "Silas, wha.."

"Just let me hold you for a moment Aggele Mou, I'm not upset with you. But your poor back is black and blue." Silas explains as he hugs my back to his chest.

I shiver at the touch of his strong hands surrounding me. He cuddles me close for another long moment before he steps back. I look over my shoulder at him and am surprised to see his ears are tipped pink. "Aggele, did you.. did you need.. help, with your bra?" he asks as his eyes look everywhere but me.

At first I'm not sure what he is asking and then as the meaning of his words trickle in my tired brain, I too am blushing and shaking my head. "No Silas, it's a front clasp, and Nathan's shirt is so big, I should be able to take it off under it."

Silas looks briefly at my eyes then nods before turning to get Nathan's shirt off the counter. He eases it over my neck and helps me with my arms, holding my injured hand steady so I don't jar my wrist anymore. He gently tugs the shirt down, and I can't help the whimper of pain when he touches my side. Silas quickly pulls his hand away and turns me around so we are facing each other.

"Did I hurt you, Aggele?" he asks anxiously as he cups my cheek again.

I shake my head no, it wasn't his fault and I don't want him upset. My breath catches as I look into his dark brown eyes, he is so handsome and he looks at me like I am the most precious thing in the world.

Time seems to stop as he slowly bends down, his eyes focus on my lips and I have a moment to think that he is going to kiss me. He closes the space between us and I close my eyes in anticipation.

"Oy! What's taking so long?" Gabriel demands before popping his head in. His eyes widen when he sees Silas with me in his arms but he doesn't seem upset, just surprised. "Is everything okay, Trouble?" he asks.

I nod, "Silas was helping me," I tell him quietly, afraid that he will be mad at me but not sure why.

Gabriel's eyes linger on me before doing the silent talk thing with Silas. "Well at least he's good for something," he says with a teasing twinkle in his eyes. "If you are done, why don't we get you back to Doc so he can check you out."

Silas gives a chuckle, and mumbles something about being sure Dr. Green would want to check me out and I am confused. Isn't that what he is supposed to do, check out my injuries? I think as I watch Gabriel glare at Silas.

"Come on Gabe," Silas says, reluctantly letting me go, "Sang needs a moment to herself."

Once the door is closed again I quickly get rid of the sweaty bra, wishing I'd thought to remove it before as I can breathe a bit easier once it is gone. Slipping out of my jeans, I sit down and pull up the sweats, wincing a little but happy to be in clean clothes.

I cautiously open the door, embarrassed that Silas had seen me so close to naked and Gabriel had walked in on him almost kissing me. Get real Sang, I tell myself firmly, he was just being nice, there is no way he was thinking about kissing you.

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