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"I-Im a boy sir"

"We looked at him first before capturing him captian"

"Yar well then mate welcome to our crew ye must meet me new lass"

"Lass what does that mean?"

I got out of the cavern and listen to the conversation

"Lass means girl mate... ANDREW?!"


"Sorry guys this is my best friend andrew we havent seen each other for years"

"Oh my god its been so long since ive seen you (y/n)"

Its been so long so long since ive seen my friend lost with his mind but at least he remembered me haha soory back to the story
A/n is now over

I looked at foxy and he has seem surprized. Foxy lifted my chin and looked deaply in my eyes trying to make sure that i dont be taken from andrew. Then he put his arm around my waist still looking in my (e/c) eyes then kissed me on the cheek.

"So are you guys a couple you guys look so cute together bud" Andrew said with a heart made from his hands.

I didnt mind that he done that cause he done that with my old crushes a long time ago so im used to it. Foxy on the other hand didnt care ither. Ill have to admit that ill have to agree with him we do look cute together. Our mates incuding Andrew awwed in the sight when Foxy was about to kiss me but our lips touched. When Foxy kissed me the crew got the sails ready for take off while Foxy was still kissing me.

Andrew looked a bit jealous after me and Foxy released.

"Whats wrong me matey?"

"Oh its nothing" Andrew rubbed the back of his neck

"You sure matey?"


"Well me lass i need help with his new outfit will ye help me"

"Yes Foxy i love too"

Andrew didnt hear our conversation and went to help the others. I hope he isnt jealous at all cause im with Foxy. Well i went with him to make the outfit with him but mostly being distracted cause he kept kissing me without me noticing and made me tea instead of rum while Foxy had a little cup of rum so he dormesent get drunk in front of you.

When the outfit was done we found a room that Andrew can have and put it in the closet. (Just so you guys know there are seprate rooms in the boat and there are 5 mates in total incuding you, Foxy, and Andrew) im exited to see how Andrew looks in this outfit.

"Can i play games with you and the others while we wait for andrew to come find us in his new outfit?"

"Sure me lass"

You embrace Foxy into a warm hug cause you felt cold without him touching you all you felt before for warmth is your toes. So you hoped that Foxy will warm you up.

"Goodness me lass you feel so cold"

I chatter my teath very fast and loud so Foxy sat down somewhere on the floor, put you on his lap, and put his large coat over you while letting you rest your head on his chest. You never felt so warm in your life you wish that you will stay like this forever. Foxy lifted your chin with his hook then kissed you. You then fell asleep in his arms

Foxy pov

Dmarn why does she have to be so cute while she sleeps. I carried her and sat on mine and her bed, lie down, then k

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