Your first battle as a pirate with Foxy

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As soon as he released his hand you grabed his hook pulled him over to you and kissed him on the forehead then the battle started. The cannons were firing like crazy and your ears popped so you cant hear anything. The boat hitted ours and took there way in the boat. You were fighting a purple guy and he cutted you on the hip, arm , and hand, but you won from him.

The crew from the other ship retreated back to there boat and sailed away. You ran to Foxy and discovered that he got a cut on his cheek. You hugged him happily cause he is safe but he saw your arm, hip, and hand bleeding.

You cant hear him cause your ears are still popped. He was trying to ask something but you cant hear him. He figured it out of why you cant hear him so he pulled you to his bedroom, got out a first aid kit, and put some cream on your ear.

"Can ye hear me now lass"

You noded and smiled cause you were happy to hear his voice again.

"Good now I want to sing this to ye would ye like to hear it?"


Heres the new chapter sorry that its short hope ye enjoyed it though. But dont worry ill be updating for ye soon k lad/lass. K me got to go bye

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