Chapter 1

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Your are fat. Your are ugly. Your are worthless.

No one wants you. You are going to die alone. No one would ever want you as a mate.

Who would want a fat and ugly and worthless mate?

No one.

You are so stupid. Where are you even still here? No one wants you.

Just go die, just go die, just go die.

We don't want you in our pack anymore. In fact we never wanted you in our pack, you're only here cause The Alpha pitied you.

But he is stepping down soon, and The new Alpha will kick you out.

No one want you, just go die. You're just a worthless piece of fat, ugly, crap!

Fat. Ugly. Worthless. Go die.

That is all I hear all day everyday, from everyone in my pack, including my own twin brother. I am the packs disappointment. My name is Amelia Spark and I am a werewolf, I belong to the Wolves Heart Pack.

When I was 5, my brother and I belonged to another pack, the Blue Spirit Pack, but there was an accident. An accident that costed the lives of our mother and father. An accident that my brother blames me for every second, of every minute, of my life.

After the accident my brother and I were found by Alpha Stone, full name Adam Stone, the kindest Alpha I have ever met. The one who brought my brother and I into his pack and under his wing, so to speak.

Alpha Stone is the one who trainer us and looked after us, he gave my brother and I another chance at a good life. Alpha Stone protected my from everything, everything but the teenagers of the pack.


Before I said everyone in the pack hates me, and that is true, but the teenagers are the worst. The leader of them is Saxon Davison, Beta's son, Beta-to-be himself. 6 feet, blond hair, blue eyes, player.

And as his right hand man, my brother Adrian Spark, Third in Command-to-be, now that my sound stupid, Third in Command, but for someone who wasn't born in the pack it is a big deal. Adrian just also happens to be a play boy as well, standing 6 foot 1" with chocolate brown hair and eyes.

Now you maybe wondering were is the Alpha-to-be? Should he be the head bully? Well he is away on an Alpha trainer camp, he has been away for the past 5 years. You see, you can't just become an Alpha you have to be in the blood line and trained for 5 years. Normally it would be train one year, have the next off, train one year, have the next off, you keep going until you complete all 5 years, but he decided that he will just be there for 5 years to get it over with.

Same thing I would chose, not that my opinion matters. 

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