Chapter 1

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    Kaylees POV

     Well... Time to go back to hell, I thought to myself as I slowly got my stuff in my bag and headed to my locker. I noticed that there were some people surrounding it, pointing and laughing. I ran towards my locker and noticed that it had slut, bitch, and whore written over and over on it. Tiffany probably did it. I waited for everyone to get away from my locker, and I quickly got everything out of it and left.

    As I walked home, I noticed that I was going to be about 10 minutes late... This beating is going to be worse. I stopped in the driveway of my house. I could just leave.. go to the cops.. but then he would find me...and I have to protect Brennan. I knew that my brother was safe tonight, he was spending the night at a friends house.

       I walked into my house, and heard my dads beer being smashed.

    " WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU!!!" He screamed at me. He shoved me into a wall held me against it.
      "I was at school... My teacher held me after class." I told him, hoping he would believe it.

      "LIAR" he screamed. He started punching and kicking me. I didn't fight back, I knew it would only make things worse.

        Eventually, he left. I waited till I heard the door slam and his engine roaring as he drove off.

      I slowly got up, trying to reduce the pain and went over to a mirror. I looked at myself. My once happy blue eyes now just looked depressed and dull. I had a major bruise on my left eye, that was going to be hard to cover up. Everything else could be done easily. I quickly gave the cuts a proper cleaning and bandaged them before going to bed since I didn't have any homework and it was almost midnight.
This is my first story that I've ever publicized. I'm going to make a better cover later, and if you want you can make one!! Just message it to me!! ( I think you can do that idek) but thanks for reading!! I might tell you guys s little about in here things where I talk to you but it's not the story thing... YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!! In the future, these chapters are going to be longer. BYE THUGPUGS ( Johnnie Guilbert references are boss)



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2015 ⏰

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