"Same to you madam."

"Shall we go in?" Serge said wrapping his arm around my waist leading me past the large line waiting to get in and past the bouncer.

We walked to the VIP lounge and sat down. I was trapped sitting between both the Rivera's and their bodyguard standing behind us.

"Shall we order drinks?" Serge asked, flagging down a waitress.

Though I doubt anything I said would be of any consequence, it was more of a demand than an offer that could be refused.

"Hi Mary is it? We would like a bottle of one of your more expensive bottles of champagne." He ordered.

"Of course sir, will there be anything else?"

"No that will be all." He said dismissing the poor waitress who I offered a small smile.

"Now, Miss Turner, I understand, that you called us here to meet over the new business plan we have with your associate."

"Yes Mr Rivera that is correct, he wanted me to handle the meeting as I do many of his others. This meeting, this, casual meeting was just for your reassurance, of our absolute respect for you and your business." I said stopping for the waitress who had brought the champagne and glasses.

Serge handed me a glass.

"Well here is to my absolute reassurance in you and your associate. I thank you for this lovely gesture and I'm quite happy that this casual meeting is in the presence of a beautiful lady like yourself." He said making both his son and I drink to his toast.

I placed the glass on the small glass top in front of us and turned to face him once more.

"Thank you Sir. Now I understand that you filed for a new contracted assignment, but the origin of this assignment has been the same as the last two. I was wondering Sir, if it is the results that have you sending new assets that way. Do you distrust, what results we bring you?" I asked clasping my hands together, in a business type manner.

"No of course not my dear no, in fact I trust the results as you say. The reason that a filed a third time is because new information has been brought to light about something happening at the origin of these assignments, and I need someone not connected to me or mine to prove this new information true or false."

"I see and how is it that you came across this new information?" I asked, his eyes became slightly suspicious as they gazed in to mine and then in a split second they left my face to look over my shoulder and where Caius was once sitting. My British associate now sat.

"Owen! You're here!" Serge exclaimed standing up to greet him with a shake of the hand and a tap on the shoulder.

"Yes, I was in the area, and heard on the grapevine that, my Lexi had set up a meeting. Thought that I would come by so that you were reassured that she does speak for both our interests."

"Well I am most definitely reassured. Wow I haven't seen you face to face, in what? Eight, Nine months. How have you been old friend?" Serge said wrapping his arm around Owen's shoulders.

"I'll tell you what, let's do this over some real drinks. I'll meet you over at the bar, but first let me say hi to my lovely lady." Owen said making Serge leave the VIP lounge and make his way towards the bar, with his bodyguard tailing him.

I stood up from the lounge to come face to face with Owen.

"What are you doing here?" I hissed.

"What? Aren't you happy to see me?" He asked wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Owen, you told me on the phone you were, where you always are, which is in England, not in the US and certainly not in L.A."

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