"I was talking to him when he snapped." I said not seeing how that means I told him to hit me. 

 "And what did you say to him, you knew he was tipsy if not drunk so what did you say to someone who couldn't control their actions as well as a sober man?" He asked his eyes glenting a challenge at me. 

 He thought he would get my dad off! "I told him he needed help, but that doesn't explain why his ex Fiancee Pamela already had a black eye and in the past when he has acted this way." I said defending myself. 

 "This isn't my fault." I said under my breath but he heard me. 

 "Oh hun, don't get defensive, unless you have something to defend... Do you have a reason to defend yourself? Are you in the wrong? Is this your fault?" He kept shooting questions until the judge stopped him. 

 I was overwhelmed at this point as I started flipping my lip ring around in panic. "Next person." The judge said as an officer led me off the stand to a seat against the wall. 

 I could see Henry looking at me with worry and I gave him a very forced quick smile so he knew I was okay, which I was just out of it.

"Pamela Hundrea." They called looking at a list of names. 

 Pamela stood up and confidently walked up to the stand taking her seat. They questioned Pamela and she confidently answered their questions relaying how she told him she didn't want to have sex in the back of his car and when he tried forcing her she pushed him off and that's when he hit her. 

Rennals tried saying her pushing him would have given him a reason to strike but everyone knew if she didn't he would have raped her. My father was a monster.

We had a 30 minute recess as the jury decided what to do with my father. I was sitting on a bench in the hallway looking down when I Mr. Rennals walk past me. 

 I followed him for a little bit before stopping him. "Yes?" He asked looking at me unamused. "Why do you have so many things to say about my mother?" I asked. 

 It was killing me on how that even came up. "Oh, so you do care?" He mused. "Yeah I do, It won't keep my dad out of jail but I care." I stated back my tone fire. 

 "Look, your mother wasn't into the best things. We did some digging on her and she wasn't a clean girl. People wanted her, and they either found her or she slipped away from them." He said looking around us to make sure no one could hear him. 

 Henry was watching with hawk eyes in the distance but he couldn't hear him. "Who was looking for her?" I questioned pulling his arm to stop him from walking away. 

 "Look, she liked the good stuff before she met your father. Your father got her clean but she still owed some heavy debts. Your father was trying to find her. That's why he was getting into the Hundrea family." He said removing my hand. 

 My eyes widened and I took a step back. "Are they.." I trailed off my mind in a tailspin. 

 "Them personally no, but Pamela's Uncle runs a business and that's where it is done. They don't even know about this." He explained knowing all the answers. 

 "If you know all of this why not shut them down?!" I said raising my voice slightly. My sudden anger alarmed Henry, Pamela, Griffin, and Rico but I didn't care. 

 "Your friends are watching." He said looking at them. I rolled my eyes my anger coming stronger. "Why aren't you shutting them down?" I asked again my voice stern. 

 "It isn't that easy, we have some crooked cops, and some very powerful people we would need to get to comply with us first." He said looking at his watch. 

 "Don't get bored just yet, who needs to help?" I asked getting everything I could out of him. "Henders Hall covers for the top seller. He is someone working there. If we find him then we can shut it all down but without a name it wouldn't work. We would get a warrant to search the place, but word would get out, and we would get him but lose everyone else and possibly your mother." He explained flatly. 

"Henders Hall..." I thought groaning internally. Bradley's father's business... "I'll see what I can do okay? My father is going to jail but I will look for my mother." I said walking away briskly. 

 "HEY! It's too dangerous, you could die!" He yelled after me but I just looked at him. "Yeah, tell me about it." I said my eyes serious as I walked past everyone giving me shocked looks.

I went outside and got some fresh air when I felt someone playing with my hair. 

 I smiled turning around to see Henry. He lifted me up placing me on the railing and holding onto my waist. 

 "What happened in there?" He asked concerned. "Stuff with my mom." I sighed realizing how complicated this whole thing just got. 

 "What stuff?" He asked his eyes pleading me to tell him. "I- I'll tell you but only because I trust you. No one else can know. Not Griffin not anyone, it's dangerous." I explained as we seriously pinky promised.

I explained everything in detail and my current plans on going about it. I knew Bradley wasn't really a bad guy just a complete asshole but he had a heart. 

 I saw his true heart in 9th grade and I need to tap into that to get what I need.

I had to beg, and cry, and explain to him why it was important, but I had to do it alone and that was how Henry was going to help me.  

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