Chapter 5: Angie Spills The Beans

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 Hey people! Today, I would like to dedicate this chapter to David Eskichyan. His Wattpad username  is  ___ddavidd___ . David, you're such a nice guy, and I LOVE your wonderful comments on my book and on my message board! For being AWESOME, here's a favor in return: dedicated this chapter to you! Happy reading!


"What am I doing here?" I asked myself.

     I was glaring around my tiny room. I saw doctors and nurses rushing to rooms, bloody men looking like they were coming from a battle during World War II, and oxygen tanks. I was in a hospital because of Sarah's big heel.

    The second I woke up, Micheael had his lips all puckered up ready to kiss me. As his face was getting closer to mine, I slapped him on the face.


     He turned tomato red.

     "Ummmm.... well.. I..... I...."

     "GET OUT! NOOOOOOOW!!!" I yelled.

     There were some of Michael's guy friends outside. Michael ran to them, and they were each handing him five dollars, laughing their butts off.

     "Grrrrrr...... it was a dare," I thought to myself.

     After the doctors took care of me, I was ready to go home. The worst part about going home was that I had to face Sarah and her "pals" who were brainwashed with stupid rumors.

     When I was dropped off at school the next day, people were staring at me. Is everything okay? Why were they staring at me? I passed by a couple, and the girl hugged the guy in a frightened approach, and they ran away.

     Then, Sarah walked up to me.

     She pulled me to the middle of the school's grassy field, where there was a whole crowd waiting for something to happen. What was going on?

     "Hey everyone! If you still haven't heard, guess what Jacob told me today! When Angie caught Jacob cheating, she pointed a gun to his head, then another on to the cheater- girl, and she shot them both!"

     The crowed gasped.

      "OMG! how horrible is that! It was a miracle that they survived! If Jacob hadn't survived, we wouldn't know about all this horror!"

     Now, the crowd was screaming.

     Urgh. Of course it was Sarah. Why didn't I think of that in the first place? People were running away from me as if I had a gun and ready to shoot them! I want to just blurt it out that all these rumors are FAKE! Urgh why do I have to go through this? I don't even HAVE a gun. My parents are against guns! I think it was time to spill the beans.


     Hey people the chapter IS NOT over. I just wanted to get you mad because I write short chapters. Hehe. Ok happy MORE reading!


     I went and asked our principal, Mr. Molard, if I can make an announcement. He allowed me. I bet he doesn't know about the rumors... yet.

     I went to the microphone, where when someone is talking, it's broadcasted to the whole school.

     "ATTENTION EVERYONE. My name is Angie Jennings, and as you've probably heard, word's going around that I had said horrible things about Jacob to the whole school, and that I held a gun to his head because he was cheating on me with some other girl. I'm here to tell you that is is all A LIE. I don't know why, but Ms. Sarah Ellen here decided to spread rumors about me. Just because she is the most popular girl in school doesn't mean you have to be scared of her and listen to everything she says."

     I started to shed some tears.

     "Well, umm, that's all I guess. Thanks for listening."

     No one listened. I still heard walking and talking and loud noises coming from some rude students.

     During snack, Slutty Sarah rushes to me with her heels. She pushed me to the floor so hard. People started staring. Then, she grabbed onto to my shirt and pulled me a little higher than where I was.

     "Now, you're REALLY going to be treated like hell in this school."

     She let's go of my shirt, and I fall back to the floor. Oh no, now what?


I HATE Sarah, don't you? This was all for Chapter 5. Thanks for reading, and see you on my next update!

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