One Shot #2

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Like I said before, I'm just doing a whole bunch of one-shots until I'm ready to do a full-fledged story. And for those of you who think I'm not getting back to Temptation, I am. It's just going to go through some hardcore editing and refining until I remember were the plot is going.

So without further ado, here is the second one-shot!


He was just standing there in the rain, looks ready to kill. His wolf had completely taken over his mind, all control was lost. And you want to know why? It was because of me.

I, Lux Jenner, had rejected my Alpha, Nicholas Keene, countless of times, at that. The first time he told me we were mates, I panicked. I ran away as fast as I could. The second time he came to my house trying to explain the mating but I didn't have it. The fear that had run through me caused me to slam the door in his face. The process kept repeating itself until he snapped-which just happened to be today.

I stared outside my window, staring at him. It seemed as if he was shaking-clearly with rage-contemplating on what to do next. I shook my head. How could I let this go on for so long? Why couldn't I just accept my fate and give in? But that answer was pretty simple: I was afraid. Who wouldn't be?

Being mated to the Alpha was a very big deal. I would have demanding jobs such as, being the Alpha female and caring for the pups. I could not do that. I could barely take care of myself, let alone take care of a pack's entre female and pup population! I'm only seventeen! But that didn't matter, what mattered was that I needed to give in to what my wolf wanted. And that was him.  

Swallowing my pride, I exited my house and stepped into the rain. Droplets immediately fell onto my skin. I shivered, but that wasn't why. I could feel the pull between us and the emotions he was feeling. The intensity of them were radiating off, I instantly felt guilty. Pain, desperation, anxiety were all the emotions I felt from him, caused by me. I felt even worse than before.

As I grew near, he seemed to be more cautious then he was before, acting as if I was going to attack him, which I did at least mentally anyway. Instantly, he looked at me, his bronze-red eyes telling me to come towards him, and I did. When I did, his arm shot out clamping around my waist. With brute force he pulled my body over to his, closing any gaps between us. His head dove into the crook of my neck, his breathing was rugged and heavy.


"Shut up! You left me! How could you," he yelled at me, while cutting me off.

His voice echoed throughout the middle of the meadow. Fear once again ran its course. Did I do this? Had I really caused him that much anger and pain? I couldn't even feel guiltier.

"Answer me!' I winced.

"I-I-I don't know!" but I did know.

Suddenly, Nicholas extracted his claws, tearing at my skin. I could feel bits of blood pouring out.

"Tell me," hos voice was low and clear with anger.

I cracked.

"I was scared," I screamed out.

He stopped shaking, and started to loosen his hold but not enough. He seemed to be calming down, which was good.


"Because of the responsibilities, I just can't take it! All those people depending on me to be a leader and caring for them! I just can't take the pressure! That's why I rejected you," by the time I finished I was sobbing violently and Nicholas was quiet. His grip had loosened completely and now he was just standing there.

"You were just scared? Why didn't you just tell me," his voice was getting loud again.

"Didn't you hear what I just said? I was scared! Not only for me but for you too! How would it look like if the Alpha's mate was week or she couldn't take care of her pack? They would look so poorly on you...and I just didn't want that to happen."

I guess he felt guilty because when I finished, he took be straight into his arms.

"I'm sorry," he said, "But, you're not in this alone alright? I know how you feel." And as he started comforting me with those words, I started to believe him. And I accepted that, just like I accepted him.

The End

Yay, the first one-shot of many (Hopefully) is out! I'm so excited! Oh, if you guys have any request about sequels or anything, just PM or comment and I'll do it.

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