Chapter Ten

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A/n: So I wasn't sure where this chapter was going... but here it is! Please realize that the letters are VERY sarcastic! 

Thanks for reading! -Binxx :)

Chapter 10:

* * Kellin’s P.O.V. * * a  few weeks later…

I’m really concerned about Binx. I know that she’s upset about Jenny and everything, but I think that the whole thing has had more than a negative effect on her. She’s been really quiet and hasn’t been eating much. In the past few weeks she has visibly lost weight, and I can feel her ribs whenever I go to hold her. I know she is trying to be strong, she leaves the bus everyday and always puts on a smile, but the guys and I can see just how fake it is. She doesn’t want to admit that something is wrong and bothering her. The good news is that today is the last day of Warped, and after its over I’m going to take Binx to get the stuff that Jenny left for her. I just hope that whatever Jenny left for her will give her some sense of closure.

I stared down at her in my arms while she slept. She looks so peaceful and happy. I hate seeing her so distraught.

 She’s trying to hard not to let me see how much she’s suffering, but I can see the pain in her eyes.

I gently placed a kiss on her forehead, waking her up from her sleep.

“You ready for the last day of Warped, babe?” I said softly.

She blinked a few a times and looked at me, “Uh huhhh.” She mumbled, still half asleep.

We sat there quietly for a few minutes before she opened her mouth again to say, “I don’t really want Warped to end, Kellin.”

“I know, it’s sad to have such an amazing summer end.”

“It’s not just that though… what happens next? What happens to us from here on out?” She questioned.

“Well… the band is recording a new album out in LA, and we need some album art. What if our amazing photographer came with us to work on our cover art?”

“In LA? For how long? And where would I stay?”

“Yeah… for a few months. And you can stay with me, of course.”

“I don’t know Kellin…”

“Binx, we want you to! You can get a full time job with our band.” I could tell something else was bothering her, so I decided to address it. “Jenny would want you too. She was so proud that you got out of your old town. She wants you to be happy, remember?”

A tear ran down her cheek slowly. I quickly brushed it away with my thumb. “Hey, don’t cry. It’s okay to miss her.” I whispered in her ear.

“I know, it’s just difficult…” She mumbled.

“It’s okay, it’ll get easier… and I’ll be here for you the whole time.”

Her big eyes met mine, seeing that I really meant it. I care about her so much, and I want to see her happy again.


“What’s up baby?”

“I love you.” She smiled, for the first time in a while her smile was sincere and real.

“I love you too Binx. I mean it.” I kissed her forehead again. “Now get up lazy, we need to get ready for the day!”

* * * (The next morning)

We got back to Binx’s house and parked in her driveway at around 3 a.m. and decided to sleep in the bus so as not to wake her family up. The band is coming with Binx and I to pick up the stuff Jenny left for Binx before we drive out to LA. I woke up at around 9 a.m. and notice that Binx wasn’t in my arms anymore. I opened my eyes and saw the note that she left for me.

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