To Let You Leave?

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Harry fixed his jacket for the thousandth time, looking in the reflection of the car. Wrapped boxes in his hands, and a few bags linked in his fingers. The passenger door opened and Louis stepped out into the snow plowed driveway.

He looked flawless, wrapped in black. Black pants, a black button up, black dress shoes. He looked amazing. He chuckled seeing Harry's nervousness. "Harold, what's with the whole act?"

"Its not an act," He fixed the boxes in his hand. "I'm nervous."

"I'm the one who should be nervous." Louis fixed his jacket, buttoning it so the cold wouldn't get at Harry.

"So, why aren't you?"

Louis glanced up at him, "Because I know you'll be alright. If you're alright, then I'm alright."

"You don't know that."

Louis laughed, "Harold. The moment you step in there, everything's going to settle. You'll feel fine, you'll be okay. I'm sure of it." He patted Harry's chest, "Let get a move on, my butt is freezing." He shook turning for the house, and Harry followed closely behind.

"Just - don't mind my step dad and dad, they don't really get a long. Always trying to find the trophy to who's the better father. And watch out for my nan, she pinches cheeks. Both cheeks." He stepped up onto the porch, "And my nieces like to chase and hang on legs, my nephews climb. Even if they're only three." Louis hit the door bell. "And my mom - she always asks too any questions. She means well-."

"Harold." Louis said, staring at the door waiting. "Breathe." He smiled, "When in doubt, take a breath."

Harry nodded, cheeks burning even in the cold. The door came open and the first face he saw was Gemma. She stood there, hair pinned up, in a warm sweater and pants.

"Finally, you're here. Mom was about to call the cops if you didn't get here sooner." She joked, her eyes wandering from Harry to Louis. "Louis." She churped, "You came along with Harry?"

"Yeah, seems like I did." He smiled.

Gemma nodded, looking between the two men and smirked. "Well, come in. It's freezing out there." She pulled the door wider, taking a few small boxes from Harry and disappeared into the living room.

Louis pushed Harry in lightly, both stomping the snow off their boots and wiping them down on the rug. Gemma came back in time to take the bags from Harry, leaving him with a big box or two to bring in.

"Here," Harry said putting down the boxes and helping Louis out of his jacket.

Louis laughed, "I can do this on my own, you know."

"Isn't it kind to help the maiden out of their jacket?" Harry joked, hanging up his coat and Louis' as well.

"So, I'm the maiden now?"

Harry laughed, picking up the boxes again and starting for the living room.

His heart danced in his chest as he turned the corner and people's eyes landed on him, smiles on their faces as they saw him enter the room healthy. But then they saw Louis. And oh no - they stared at the two.

"My other baby." Called Harry's mom, standing up from the couch and holding her arms open at him. She kissed his cheek, pulling him in for a hug. "I thought you'd never come."

"I'm sorry, I was just caught up a bit." He hugged her, and pulled back to her wandering eyes at Louis. "Mom, this is Louis. Louis, my mom."

"Hi," Louis beamed, shaking her hand. "It's nice to meet you."

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