Dark again!

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Mark's POV
I wake up,and I can't see anything!I remember we were shooting paintballs at Wilford,and something hit me on the back of the head,which knocked me out.I don't think Jack noticed though.I tried to call him,but no sounds came out.I'm pretty sure I'm in a car or something.I still couldn't see,but I saw it was a blindfold.Just great...I'm probably being kidnaped or something.These people are so crazy sometimes...
I sat up,and I hear someone next to me."Who's there?"I asked.I heard some moving and that person replied."Mark?!You're here!"he said."Who are you?""It's me,Jack!"I sighed in relief.Jack was here,but what was he doing?"Jack,why are we here?""I don't know,someone held a knife to my throat and led me here."Crap,now Jack was being kidnapped along with me.Of all the people,why did Jack have to be in this, I didn't want him to get hurt or anything happening to him.Then,I felt the car stop,and I nearly slid onto my face.I hear the door open from the car,and someone grabs me.My hands are tied behind my back,so I couldn't do much.The person walked me into a building I think,and they stopped after a little.I thought I heard Sean say something,but I didn't have time to process it in my head because,someone had pushed me to the ground.My face just hurts,because that's where I landed,and I swear,my nose was bleeding."So Mark,how do you Ike that?"That voice was extremely familiar.Wait a minute,was that....no way!"Dark?!Is that you?"I asked.He didn't reply.Instead,he took the blindfold off,and I looked up.Yup,it was Dark.That son of a ***** better not have done anything to Sean!"Where's Sean?!"I yelled.Dark didn't answer,again,which was really starting to piss me off.Then,I see Anti I've in the corner,and Jack was there!
Jacks's POV(I like to call him Jack)
I was sitting down in the corner of a room,and I saw Anti.He smiled at me,revealing his set of razor sharp teeth.He was starting to scare me a little considering that he almost never smiles,my hands were tied behind me,and he was holding a gun."So Jack,what was it you were doing to Wilford again?""Nothing.."he cocked the gun and he pointed it to my face."What...were you doing...to Wilford?"He is scowling now,and he looked so serious."I was shooting him with a paintball gun,ok?There!"Anti smirked a little and he pointed the gun to my arm this time."Do that again,and a bullet is going to go there."He pointed straight at my arm,and pointed at it.Hey!I hear Mark somewhere!I looked past Anti and saw Mark sitting in another part of the room.Dark was standing by him,and Mark didn't look to good."Jack!!"Mark practically screamed.I was so happy to see him."Are ya hurt Mark?Are you ok?"I asked.Mark nodded and looked at me.Anti smacked me across the side of my face,and my ears started ringing."Enough.We need to move on to other stuff."Dark snarled.Anti grabbed a book from somewhere,and flipped to a couple pages.He stopped at one page,and read it.I couldn't hear a thing he said.After he read some of it,a pink swirling most appeared.Aw crap,not him again!After being shot with paintballs,I don't he would be happy to see us.The mist stopped,and Wilford stood there.H didn't have paintball marks on him anymore,and he looked mad.REALLY.REALLY.MAD.This is not good.Oh god,please don't let him have his gun right now.Anything but that gun.Yup,just my luck.He had his gun.He walked over to where I was and crouched down to where I was."So Jack....what was that about,hm?What was it you were,..doing??"He emphasized that last word,and pressed the gun to the side of my head."We,uh..were....playing around a little...heh heh."I tried to force a laugh out,but Wilford didn't change his expression."Playing around,huh?Then I guess you wouldn't mind if I played around with this gun,would you!"He pressed the gun harder to my head,god this isn't gonna end well."Wilford,I'm sorry ok?We just got mad at Dark and Anti,but we are sososososos sorry!"Wilford sneered and put the gun down.Then,he started choking me.Je wouldn't let go,and I was loosing air."Wilford.....let....go!..."I tried to say something.He threw me back and let go.Dark and Anti untied me and Mark and shoved us out the door."Jeez,Dark.We should've killed them earlier."Anti whispered."We can't remember?"Anti,Dark,and Wilford then disappeared.

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