Looking Back

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Above me is a picture

A face that is happy

It reminds me of someone

That someone I can't remember

My heart speeds up

And my hand reaches out,

Fingers gently caressing

The face I don't know

Silent voices echo my mind

Telling me something;

Too foreign to understand

The words stop

And images form


There is a girl sitting comfortably on a couch

White powder and liquid decorating a table,

Slowly being consumed by a syringe

Next to her is a Guy, laughing wildly

Lifting her hands,

She kneads her skin to find the perfect place

To plunge the syringe into her tender skin

Adding another spot to her collection

The liquid fills her needs

But it does not seem enough

Some try to stop her, and some do not

The pleas of both parties

Do not reach her sound-proof mind

Blue tints her nails and skin,

Her lips crack, never to be moisturized again

The world tips,

All goes black...


Be Free Of Drugs!

Thank you to Lollipop25678 for the wonderful cover :)











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