Back to the Manor

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Sunday quickly came and Nemesis had packed up her bags for the first time in 4 years. She left the institute and headed straight to the train station. She barely made it onto the train on time. On the ride to Wiltshire she was starring at the window pondering about what the Malfoys want to talk to her about.

Soon enough, the train reached. Nemesis stayed in her compartment and waited for everyone to leave before leaving herself.

Immediately as she stepped onto the platform, she spotted a familiar head of blonde hair and the deep grey eyes she learned to love since young. Taking a deep breathe, Nemesis dragged her luggage along and approached Draco who had not yet noticed her. He had grown alot she thought. She only came up to his shoulder now. "Hmph." She cleared her throat and got his attention.

He immediately broke into a wide grin at the sight of the dark haired girl he grew up with, the girl he calls his bestfriend. Without a warning, Nemesis felt her face pressed up against something hard, and smelled the familiar combination of citrus lemon, fabric softener and aftershave. The smell that reminds her of home.

"I've missed you." He murmured, burying himself into her black hair, inhaling the scent of green tea shampoo.

"Same." She managed choked up after a moment, feeling the guilt eat her up as she heard the sadness, confusion and desperation in Draco's voice.

He stared at her with unreadable eyes, before taking her luggage in one hand and her hand in his other hand. Draco led her to a coach led by 4 pegasus. It was her 5th year birthday present given to her by the Malfoys. He got in himself after helping her in.

On the entire ride to the manor, they sat in silence. Malfoy was starring at her the entire trip and she desperately tried to avoid his gaze by looking out the carriage. This was her first time in 4 years back in Great Britain, away from the institute.

After an hour, she saw the Malfoy manor from afar, as luxurious as ever. Soon enough, they landed and Draco opened the carriage door for Nemesis and helped her out.

They approached the door together, and as usual, Draco opened it for her. He became nicer, more gentlemanly, She thought, how am I supposed to stop falling for him this way?

"Nemesis, welcome back." Surprisingly, the first to greet her as she entered the hall was Lucius Malfoy, who was sitting on his usual armchair sipping tea, with some guests sitting on the couches around the coffee table.

"Its nice to see you again after so long Nemesis, you didn't reply to any of our letters, we thought you had decided to leave us for good." This time, it was Bellatrix Lestrange who spoke up.

"I've been busy at Durmstrang. With all the academics and stuff, it was difficult catching up. If I had a choice, I would had came back to visit you." Not. "Draco told me that you had something important to tell me, something so important I had to return from the institude immediately."

"Yes, indeed, we do have something to tell you." The motherly voice she missed so much spoke this time round.

"What do you think about... Hogwarts?" That annoying sister of Narcissa ugh.

"Cool school and all. I mean I had never been there, how am I supposed to judge a place when I'd never been there?"

"So... You don't mind attending Hogwarts?"

Nemesis turned and stared at Lucius. Of course, what else would be so important that required her to return home. Infact, she's overjoyed just by the idea of transferring out of Durmstrang. She never liked that school. Even if she's the best student in the dark arts, she never liked to get involved with them.

I must had got it from my father.

"When do I start school?"

Everyone around her looked shocked, surprised, flabbergasted. You name it. Maybe they actually expected her to fight a little, maybe go against the idea. They all knew of her exceeding academically in Durmstrang, they thought she liked the school, apparently not.

"2 weeks from now. You will follow Draco to school, and get sorted into a house. Before that, we need to get to Diagon Alley to buy your school books and what not. Lucius had already informed Professor Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts about your arrival." Nemesis glanced at her godmother, they didn't intend on giving her a choice.

That night, Nemesis could hardly sleep. She was back in her house, back home where she know she's safe. At least she hope that its safe there.

Hogwarts... Please be different from Durmstrang.

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