A Step At A Time

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Now some of you may recognize this fic! This is a bit of an old fic but honestly for the sake of wanting to update this due to not liking the writing from back then I have finally gotten the chance to rewrite and reupload this fic! Also it now fits a little more consistently with the Terrible Twos series as this would have taken place right beforehand.

It was a lovely summer day as the sun shone over the Pickles' backyard. A couple months had passed since Kimi's second birthday and a lot had changed. For starters, Tommy was starting to grow hair after it seemed like it wasn't going to ever happen. Kimi and Chuckie were able to, albeit still in very broken sentences or basic words, talk more to the grownups much easier. Phil and Lil were also finishing up with the potty training they went through after they turned two years old around 3 months back. Dil also had grown a lot in the past few months! He too had hair growing slowly but surely. He could crawl and even successfully pull himself up to stand, and of course now, though it was still a work in progress, he could finally communicate with his brother and friends! However, he still hadn't gotten walking down quite yet and that alone was the one thing that frustrated him. To him, he couldn't officially be a big baby until he could walk.

Tommy and the others were currently playing tag, with the exception of Chuckie who duck and hid in the sandbox not wanting to get chased, as they all ran away from Kimi who was currently "it" in their game. Dil let out a frustrated sigh as he sat outside the sandbox, his arms crossed and a frown present on his face. Running by the sandbox, It didn't take long for Tommy to notice the upset look on his brother's face as he found himself no longer running.

"Aww Dil must still feel lefted out since he can't walk yets." Tommy commented, which of course was overheard by Chuckie, who peeked his head from the sandbox.

"Well uh, isn't he about the same age that you firstest started walking, Tommy?" Chuckie questioned, looking over at the upset 8 month old

"Nope, he's actually olderer! But that's okay, we can't makes him walk. He can walk when he wants." Tommy replied

At the same time, Didi had come out into the backyard as she picked up Dil from his spot in the grass before calling out to the other kids.

"Alright kids, it's time to go inside. Come along now." Didi ushered the Rugrats inside

Making their way inside the house, Didi followed behind them as she sat Dil down on the carpet near the couch.

"Chuckie, Kimi, we're going now!" Chas called from the entryway to the house

"Come on pups, you too!" Betty called after Chas

Of course, following their parents' calls, Chuckie, Kimi, Phil and Lil made their way to the front of the house. Tommy followed behind them, of course wanting to see his friends off. Dil just frowned, seeing as he was now alone as he got onto his knees and crawled his way over to the couch, pulling himself up with wobbly legs.

"Ok if I can just walks from here to Tommy then I'll finally be a big baby." Dil thought to himself, looking where everyone was gathered.

Finding new determination, Dil took a deep breath as he let go of his grip from the couch. He then took a slow step forward, wobbling slightly, before he took another. He was doing it! Catching himself as he stumbled forward a bit, Dil continued walking as he made his way over to his brother.

"Tommy!" Dil cried out as he managed to walk all the way from the couch to the entryway

"Guys look, Dil is walking!" Tommy exclaimed as all his friends looked towards Dil

Of course each one of them began celebrating, which of course got the attention of the adults as they wondered what got them so hyped up all of a sudden. That's when Didi noticed her youngest walking towards his older brother.

"Stu, everyone, look! Dil's walking!" Didi gasped, getting all the adults to turn their attention to Dil

As Dil finally made it over to Tommy, Didi then proceeded to pick up Dil giving him a hug

"My little baby is growing up so fast." Didi said with a grin

I hope you guys enjoyed this little story. Note: I was guessing since in the episode a "Step At A Time" when Chuckie came over Tommy's house in the flashback Chuckie had to be at least one years old and Tommy maybe like 5 or 6 months since a baby can walk at from as early as 4 months up 12 months since some try to pull them selves up on anything they can grab on and try to walk holding onto things. So Dil is 8 or about 9 months in this as this takes place about a year before Tommy's second birthday and Dil's first birthday.

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