Chapter 31: Unsaid Feelings!

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry Cara. I didn't know you felt that way. You did give in so easily every time so I thought that you may have forgiven me completely" he said with a crest fallen face.

"I did forgive you completely. But I just couldn't forget. I couldn't forget your words that you carved in my heart" I told him with a faint smile.

"That day. The night at club, or actually the next day. I was confused with my feelings. I never brought a girl to my penthouse. It's either her house or a hotel room. I was never attached to any girl other than you know who... I was giving you the cold shoulder because I wanted to proove myself that you mean nothing me amd I don't feel anything for you. But in the process I never got to know I hurt you. Sorry for that. And then when Natasha came..... she wasn't supposed to be there.. she just barged in and started kissing me that's when you saw us. I really felt guilty seeing the hurt expression on your face, which wasn't like me. Again you got me confused and again sorry for that too. The next day, I wanted! No. Needed to meet you. I couldn't stay away from you. So I came myself to get the cell... and the gold digging whore comment. I'm really sorry. That just came out. I didn't mean it. I'm really sorry... again... you already know why I screamed at you when Nick visited our house that morning. I obviously got jealous. I was getting so attached to you that I even offered you a job and I tricked you into staying with me. My mom.. I knew she'd force me to get married if she gets to know about you. Sooo.... sorry? And don't you dare say again that I don't trust you. I did trust you. But I just didn't want to agree because Natasha was my best friend as well. But I'd always choose you over anyone! But anyways. Sorry! And Lillian? You know her story. My cousin, even if I'd tell that your my friend, she'd doubt. And I didn't want media paparazzi running behind you. But sorry! Next time I meet her, I'll tell her that you're my girlfriend. I know I've given you so many reasons to not trust me and to make you believe I'm a monster. But I'm sorry sorry sorry! " he said and finally took a breath.

"So you gave me the job because you were interested in me, not because I had good qualifications?" I said a bit hurt.

"That's all you heard?" He asked ridiculously.

"Nope. I heard everything. But that's what got my attention" I said being a bit grumpy and angry at him, which he understood.

"Sorry sorry sorry again. You did have all the qualifications. But just a bit inexperienced. I mean no company would take that chance. Because you started finding a job after almost a year or two after your graduation?" He said and I nodded satisfied with his explanation. "Aaand...." he started and I raised my eyebrows silently asking him 'what?'
"Why did you say that I'd get you to abort our child? I'd never do that babe..... you should trust me on that atleast. And I would never even hurt you. I know I screamed at you. But I'd never hurt you, you don't have to run away. Why did you want to run away from the hospital now?" He asked tiredly.

I think it's not good to lie to him. If I've managed to tell him the truth then I think I shouldn't need lie about this too. "Because the doctor told me something which made me think that you'd leave me" before he could interrupt I continued "I thought so beacuse you were being so distant. I thought you lost interest in me, you don't love me anymore. So after knowing what the doctor told me, if you'd leave me then I'd accept it. And I thought I was ruining your life so I thought it's better I leave you..." I trailed off.

"Cara.. sweetheart... you know I think you think a lot of things. So... w-what is it t-that the d-doctor s-s-said?" He asked the last sentence scared. Poor guy! May be he thinks there's something wrong with me.. I started laughing like a mad women. And now he's really scared. "Cara.....?" He asked. I stopped.

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