her head span, in a good way.

"shit, my head hurts," mia laughed, still breathing heavily, putting her hand to her forehead.

roma watched on as mia smiled from ear to ear, glancing around her and mopping the sweat off her brow with her arm. her glistening skin was visible despite the lack of light. mia's elation was almost tangible, almost enough for roma to mirror her exuberance.

"that's probably 'cause you've drunk loads," luke slurred in response, wrapping his arms around mia's shoulders from behind.

both boy and girl exchanged knowing glances.

roma grinned lazily, collecting her hair at the nape of her neck, but she didn't really know why she was smiling or why everything just felt so right.

she didn't know exactly how much it was she had drunk, either. judging by the fumbling in her step and the blur of her vision, probably a fair amount. enough to make her feel so alive. and this new-found lack of responsibility felt like a massive weight lifted off her shoulders.

where it was coming from, she had no clue. all she knew was, she never wanted it to go away.

"come on. let's keep going. i need another drink," mia decided, releasing her grip from luke. replacing his protective embrace by taking hold of his hand.

"mia, hang on a minute, i can't--"

roma tried to speak, grabbing hold of mia's hand; out of breath.

"come on!" mia repeated. "live a little!"

before roma had a chance to oppose further, mia was yanking her from her balanced stance and picking all of them up from where they'd left off, feet hammering against the concrete.

running as if their lives depended on it.


mia had somehow, through her excitement of racing around the town and her lack of awareness, managed to locate the club which she'd said she wanted to go to. from the outside, it adorned a dull and bored appearance, complete with an oddly flashing neon sign. because it was broken, one of the letters had been plunged into darkness, initiating a stream of worried thoughts to engulf roma's state of mind.

roma was unsure, but neither of the two noticed as she gulped down the lump in her throat. she didn't like being away from the people, entering this unknown building, tucked away in a darkened corner; secluded from the rest of the town's night-life.

the rush of the wind and the thronging crowds had vanished. roma felt this sudden emptiness, and clung onto both luke and mia out of nerves, their bare arms warm to her touch, as they sidled past the bouncers and were further forced into a darkened room. faint hints of bright neon tinted the walls, patterning the shadows with brilliant pinks and stark oranges, the scent of sweat and stale alcohol intensifying.

"roma, you okay?" luke muttered to her, pulling her closer into him.

his breath was uncomfortably hot against the shell of her ear. the heat of the cramped room started to become over-encompassing, but roma continued to follow mia, who seemed to be leading them to the main entrance. she could tell, as the thumping bass music began to increase in audacity, the distance of the club decreasing.

"yeah, i'm fine, thank you."

seconds later, and they'd entered the club, the dingy room replaced by loud music and bodies of people. a stark contrast to the dwindling stars and the peaceful ocean of sky. those particular things roma had grown to reminisce with were replaced with artificial lighting and music so loud you couldn't even hear yourself formulate comprehensible thoughts.

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