Chapter 3

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"Toby, be careful. The security guards are armed." Happy whispered into the earpiece. They were in Texas, on a case, and Toby had to seduce a woman to get her to the garage for Scorpion to interview. Walter said it was the only way and the whole team trusted him. Including Happy, although now she was wondering if it really was such a good idea.

"Always am, Hap," he spoke softly, as so not to draw attention to himself. He was at the annual Smith art museum, and the famous painter - Mr Riley Smith's daughter was the woman Toby was sent for. Riley Smith had been forging paintings for years and the team had recently discovered his whereabouts. Rachel could help them by giving them details about her father's forgeries.

Happy, Paige and Sly were sitting outside the Smith mansion in the van, watching the camera feed. Walter and Cabe were inside, watching Toby in case anything went wrong.

Toby walked up to Rachel Smith. With a smile he sat down and through the comm, Happy heard him start talking to her.

She had to admit, he was smooth.

Within minutes, Rachel was suggesting they leave. Happy saw Walter and Cabe casting worried glances at each other. They hadn't planned for that. She was supposed to come to the garage.

Toby winked. "You're eager. I like that. I have a place we can go to. It's much more. . . private."

"Let me finish my drink, then we can go," she whispered. Happy ground her teeth. This woman was irritating her.

"Why don't you take a breath, Happy?" Paige suggested. "I'll take over from here." Happy nodded. Paige sat down in front of the laptop and put Happy's earpiece in her ear. "Okay, Toby, now you're going to have to. . ."

Paige's voice faded away the further Happy walked from the van. She could see through the windows of the mansion. Toby was leaning into Rachel and she was touching his arm and laughing. Her blood boiled. Even though she knew Toby meant no harm and was only trying to help with the case it didn't exactly feel good watching your boyfriend flirt with another woman.

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