Counter Talk - A Play in One Act

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Counter Talk

A Play in One Act


Michael Danese

At a small restaurant in the city, worlds collide and paths cross like ships in the night.

Everyone has a story and each patron is really only interested in their own.

The breakfast crowd is in full swing.

Rosie, the owner is at the register.

Table 1 - Jerry, a regular visitor to the place is eating with his friend, Bill. He points out some of the regulars to Bill. He also wants to date the waitress, Barbsy.

Barbsy has two small children. She might be interested in him – they have flirted in the past; he comes in for breakfast a lot, usually to see Barbsy.

As she travels from table to table we hear bits of conversations

Table 2 - A mother and daughter discuss the daughter’s relationship with her “older” boyfriend. The daughter is taken with him. The mother cautions that he is only after one thing.

Table 3 - A young couple plans a crime. They are desperate to make some quick money and get out of town. The women is worried that a dealer that she owes money to will hurt them both.

Table 4 - A couple in their 70’s is in the city celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. They seem happy, but miss their children and grandchildren that are always too busy for them. Barbsy makes a fuss over them. She wishes her parents were like them. She thinks to herself how lucky those absent children are to have these people in their lives.

Table 5 - a couple that have just spent the night together try to figure out what to tell their spouses. They are both embarrassed and ashamed at their behavior, but talk as if it wasn’t the first time that this has happened between then, and probably won’t be the last.

Table 6 - At another table, two men are involved in a job interview. One man wants the other to come and work with him. The other finds the offer attractive, but isn’t comfortable double-crossing his present partner and co-workers.

Table 7 - A family of four. The wife is complaining about working two shifts while her drinker husband is out of work. The kids seem to be victims here.

Table 8 – Two women, lovers, deal with a life-changing situation. One breaks the news to the other that she has breast cancer.



Table 1

Jerry – There she is, don’t look right away.

Bill – (LOOKING RIGHT AWAY) – Yeah, she is cute – great smile.

Jerry - Idiot, I told you not to look right away. Here she comes.

Barbsy – Hey darlin’. Not flying solo today, huh?

Jerry – No . . . this is my friend, Bill.

Barbsy – Charmed. Coffee, Bill?

Bill – Sure, with lots of sugar.

Barbsy – (POURS. WALKING AWAY) – I’ll get your order in a sec.

Bill – So that is why you come here everyday.

Jerry – Well, it is convenient and the food is pretty good . . .

Bill – Yeah, but I know the way you work. Like a tiger stalking its prey.

Jerry – Oh, now I’m a stalker!

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