The Cruelest Goodbye

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Muffled and trying not to cough out Margaret's veil she replied, "Every week we must write to eachother and you both will have to visit as soon as I am settled. Of course, I'll be visiting as often as my health and the weather allows" and so long as it does not interfere with my Taking, she added to herself.

The three girls then engaged in idle chatter, Anne maliciously recounting the tale of yesterday evening's event, Margaret gaping and exclaiming that she was not surprised as the young Jacquetta was no better than her mother and Katerina shaking her head and clucking her tongue to conceal her chagrin. The conversation with her mother had left her determined to find something to tell Hastings but she wasn't willing to discuss it until she did.

A woman donned in a drab blue travelling gown and white wimple came into view but Katerina did not recognise her, not because she wore a gown almost as dull as the servants but because she hadn't seen her before. "Who is she?" The question had remained open for both girls but was mostly directed towards Anne, who'd proved to be quite the avid gossip.

True to her new title, Anne was more than happy to whisper back to her two companions. "So glad you asked. That, my sweet, is your new attendant, a Miss Jane Gyrth. She arrived yesterday in the late evening from Canterbury so I hear, poor chit is going to have to journey back after after only just arriving."

Katerina hadn't the time to reply before Margaret snickered in a whisper, "She looks like a mouse". The girl's brown hair, that could be seen through her thin wimple, and darting eyes did not help her cause, the girl certainly did look rather mouse-like but she seemed gentle enough and not much older than her future mistress.

"Indeed though we mustn't judge her much too harshly."

"Perhaps she is a blessing, 'tis better than having an attendant that looks as she does rather than have a beautiful one to rival you and become yet another one your cousin's mistresses." Margaret's thought became Katerina's source of comfort but it wavered when Hastings appeared from around the bend carrying a something in a gray blanket, whatever it was, seemed to be squirming.

They all exchanged snorts. "Speak of the devil."

"And he shall come."

Hastings walked with all the authority his name brought him until he caught sight of Katerina then, however slight, his steps seemed to falter and pounded nervously against the cobblestone. Once he reached them, he'd managed to compose himself long enough to bow and bid them a, "Good morning ladies" as they curtseyed before him.

Remembering her mother's words of advice, Katerina bite down on her tongue and extended her hand for him to kiss. He did so, and looked up from her hand almost shyly, as if he suspected that she knew who he'd been occupying himself with the evening prior. Fumbling with the blanket, Hastings then uncovered the squirming creatures head to reveal that revealed an Italian greyhound puppy. It looked up at her with new curious eyes the color of twelve different shades of gray, as if storm clouds gathering in its eyes.

"For you." Hastings transferred the no longer writhing animal from his arms to hers.

"Oh!" The girls squealed as all three reached to pet the little thing, it darted from one hand to another trying to decide which to sniff first. As Katerina brought it closer to her chest, she could almost smell warmth and perhaps it was just the blanket but lavender washing soap. The creature nestled itself close to her for comfort and she managed a smile.

As a little girl, she'd thrown stones at the birds that dared venture by the cottage and would giggle at their caws of protest and of vexation but she'd never thought to hurt them or any animal for that matter, though she took small pleasure in it, it did not compare to the amount of pleasure she'd taken in watching her mother drain fluid from a young body or the thrill when one would escape Jacquetta's trance and screech and beg for mercy. This proved that Katerina preffered to enjoy the pleasure of people rather than animals, making it safe for Henrietta.

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