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No, this did not happen randomly for no propose

It seems as if it popped out of the ground into the surface

No, it's wrong everything happens for a reason

A reason which is unknown, it has no name colour or season

It was so unexpected it just came in without knocking

It came into my life and started mocking

It laughed at me and crushed my sweet safe bubble

It exploded my world and it caused it to crumble

They say it was pure evil jealousy and hatred

No, I say it happened for a reason that is so sacred

It all happened only to teach me a lesson

And it did it made me a better person

Nothing happens if it has nothing to teach

It happened and not for nothing so pay attention to each

Each thing that you see and go through has a meaning

Even if it is sometimes harsh and not so appealing

Take your wounds and turn them into wisdom

That's the only way to build the life kingdom

Even when it is devastating and you feel like breaking down

Hold your head up high feel like you are the king or queen which has the crown

Yes you can cry sometimes because if not you may explode

However, don't let it break you apart turn yourself into fighting mode

Yes it seems unfair but who said it actually is

Make your life yours and not the creature which complicates it all no don't make it his

Even when it's hard and depressing

Remember that good is waiting

Turn everything into knowledge and wisdom

Because you will need it in the life kingdom 

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