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I thought my life was perfect and that it will always stay like this

I thought hardship will never come across me but it is not something you can miss

I was living in illusion

When problems came I was in confusion

I never knew I could feel this much pain

I did not feel it for long, soon I felt nothing just plain

Darkness came upon me I could not see light

I screamed I didn't want to feel it I was in a fright

Problems just didn't stop appearing

They came more and more and I felt like disappearing

I wanted to be invisible I wanted to stop feeling

This wound in my heart it never started healing

Everything was in chaos everything fell apart

Yes my life was a mess but also my heart

I could not understand why it was all happening

I became cold and did not care for anything

I isolated myself I wanted to be left alone

I did not want to speak to anyone I wanted them all gone

Light never came and everything continued to fall apart

It was all dark exactly like my heart

I continued to grieve and cry

However there was still hope in my heart that did not die

This hope was small but I kept believing

Nothing changed but my heart was healing

I accepted reality and started to fight

Fight for my happiness everyday and every night

You never really stop grieving you just get used to it

I have a piece of me missing and nothing can replace it

Finally I started seeing light

I knew darkness will leave in the next flight

And even if it doesn't I will stay strong

Because darkness never stays for too long  

Secrets of the Heartحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن