Josh Jordan and the Pharaoh's Rage

Start from the beginning

"Stop!" he exclaimed so suddenly, the Sophie almost fell over.

Directly in front of them was a pit in the floor. When Josh threw a stone into it, an array of sharp, thick needles flew up and encrusted themselves on the ceiling. Sophie and Josh immediately took a running leap over the pit, where they were met with a metallic door coming down from the ceiling of the hallway, only a few yards away.

Josh grabbed Sophie, and, together, they threw themselves under the huge door just as it clamped shut. They barely made it, and if this wasn't enough, at that same moment a bunch of wasps flew out of holes in the walls and attacked them.

Josh, as if on instinct, pulled out the blue metal rod from his pocket. It was the one he had found on the floor while he was leaving his room. It started to glow in his hand, and then it became a flamethrower.

"Wow!" Josh yelled, startled.

He pressed a small button on the underside of the flamethrower, and extremely hot blue flames spewed out of it, searing the wasps blocking their path to a crisp.

"What's happening!" Sophie yelled.

"I don't have the least idea!" answered Josh, "but we have to figure it out, and fast!"

"Ok Josh, let- Oh my gosh, what' that over your head!?" she exclaimed.

As the both stared a faint outline of a huge creature appeared. The size of a small car, it slowly crawled down the wall towards them.

When it's outline became visible in the light of the torches, Sophie and Josh screamed in terror.

"A spider!" they simultaneously yelled.

Without a second glance at the beast, they took off across the corridors, holding hands. They could hear the monstrous growl from the huge spider a few yards behind them, and they knew at that moment that they wouldn't make it out of there alive.

Wheezing, Josh had an idea. While still running, he took out the blue rod from his pocket, and it automatically divided itself and became a blue sword and shield.

Josh stopped abruptly, arms shaking, and quickly did a 180° turn, holding ou his shield in front of him as best a he could.

The monster, who had been only a few feet away, rammed into the iron shield, sending shockwaves through Josh' arm, who was just able to keep his footing.

The spider, however, had hit the shield so hard that it just sat there, temporarily dazed. This was enough for Josh to inexpertly bring his glinting blue sword down on the spider, severing its body in half.

Terrified, Sophie let out a scream, while Josh just stood there, catching his breath and still in shock.

"What is this?" he asked aloud, signaling with his head to the former sword and shield, which had once again become a metal rod.

'Let's go Josh," Sophie whispered, "we have to figure out what this madness is all about.

Exhausted, they half-stumbled, half-walked for what seemed like fifteen minutes, when they saw an extremely bright light up ahead.

Following the light, they reached a room made completely out of gold. In the center of the huge room stood a lonely stand that was about five feet tall. At its top appeared a glistening blue vial, with purple liquid inside of it.

Out of the corner of his eye, Josh saw a disgusting, cloaked figure emerge from another entrance in the room.

It walked very clumsily and shakily, but had a black aura of power around it.

Josh Jordan and The Pharaoh's rageWhere stories live. Discover now