Awkward Breakfasts and New Friends

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The next morning, we gathered again in the Great Hall for breakfast. I walked down by myself as my roommates decided to leave before me.

The Hall was loud, buzzing with excited chatter from students about to start a new year. I looked searched through the tables to see if I could find someone I knew. My eyes rested on Harry, sitting with Ron and his brothers again. I smiled and walked down the hall towards them.


Harry turned to look at me and smiled.

"Chanel!" he said. "How are things? Are you settled in?"

"Yeah. Things were a tad awkward at first, but I guess I just have to get used to it." I sat down in the empty spot next to Harry. "It's strange, we've been sharing a tiny room for 11 years and now we're suddenly in different houses in a giant castle of a school!"

"I think that whole twin telepathy thing is finally starting to kick in."

The two of us laughed. It was at that moment I noticed the table had gone quiet. I looked around the table to see everyone staring at me, the same way they had last night after I was sorted into Slytherin. My face heated up as I looked at Harry.

"Why are they staring?" I whispered.

"Why do you think?" snapped Ron on Harry's other side. "You're a Slytherin. Go sit at your own table."

I was surprised. Ron hadn't spoken to me like that the night before. I thought he and I were going to be friends!

"Ron, she's my sister," Harry said.

"I don't care! She's a Slytherin! They're terrible. Remember what I told you last night? Everyone in Slytherin is where all the bad witches and wizards go! She may seem nice to you, Harry, but the Sorting Hat obviously found something you didn't know."

"Ronald!" snapped Hermione Granger from further down the table.

But it was too late. I felt tears welling up in my eyes. Before anyone else could say anything, I stood from the table and hurried away towards the Slytherin table. I could hear Harry calling for me and Hermione scolding Ron behind me, but I didn't turn and I didn't go back. I knew when I wasn't wanted.

I sat at the far end of the Slytherin table again, deciding against finding Draco and sitting on my own. I thought going to Hogwarts would make me happy, an escape from a life living under in a cupboard under some stairs. But at that moment, I almost wished I was back with the Dursleys.

"Why the long face?"

I looked up to see two people sitting across from me. One was a boy that looked about my age and the other was a girl who looked slightly older.

"We seen what happened over there," the boy spoke, nodding to the Gryffindor table. "Those Gryffindors think they're all that just because their so called 'legacy' is bravery and whatnot."

"They're nothing more than a bunch of stuck ups," the girl added. "I know your brother is there, but you should just stay away from all of them. As you noticed, they don't exactly like us, even if we're related to any of their sort."

The boy reached across the table to wipe the tears from my eyes. "No need crying over some snobs."

I couldn't help but smile. Besides Draco, they were the first Slytherins to talk to me like we were friends. It was a nice change from all the stares and dirty looks and whispers I had been getting since I was sorted into Slytherin.

"I'm Blaise," the boy said, shaking my hand. "This is my older sister, Saphira. She's a third year."

"Why do you feel the need to keep telling people that?!" Saphira sneered at her brother. "It just means I'll be free from this school two years before you."

"I don't see the problem with Hogwarts," Blaise shrugged.

"That's because you're new. You'll learn one day."

I giggled at their bickering. Saphira looked back at me, almost as if remembering I was there.

"Sorry, I'm getting off topic," she said, now smiling. "I seen what happened last night in the Common Room. With that Pansy girl. I just want you to ignore her, too, okay? If you ever need a friend, I'm here. I don't care that you were raised by Muggles. It wasn't your fault. That old nutter Dumbledore was the one who left you there."

"Same here," Blaise added. "Being a First Year is tough enough, but being a First Year that knew nothing about the Wizarding World and is supposed to be one of the most famous Witches out there is even worst."

I smiled at the two. "Thank you. You don't understand how much I needed that right now."

The two smiled back at me before the Slytherin Prefect announced that it was time for classes to start. I stood from my seat, only to bump into Draco.

"Sorry!" I said. "I-I didn't see you there."

"I was trying to get your attention before you sat down," Draco said. "I seen what happened over with that Weasley. I should've froze him right in his seat."

"You didn't have to do anything, Draco," I said. "I don't need them. They're stuck up. I don't need to be any of them."

Draco smiled at me. "That's what I like to hear."


I thought Chanel needed a female friend, so I made up Saphira Zabini.

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