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Kashaf was sitting on her couch while silent tears were slowly making
way towards her cheeks.
She slowly drifted to her thought.

It was yet another beautiful morning and she had just got up and was
drinking a cup of tea while watching television.
As soon as she had finished her cup of tea she decided to get ready
for college. She opened her wardrobe and chose the dress she liked.
After taking a warm shower and while getting ready she decided to
stay away from Zaroon as she thought that wherever Zaroon goes,
trouble surely follows him and on the second day she dint want to fall
into any trouble.
She dressed herself in simple light orange salwar suit and applied just
a little makeup and looked at the watch.
"Ok Kashaf excellent you are again late on the second day."
She said in irritation and moved out of the house closing the door.
Today Sidra had left early as she had a class in morning and Kashaf's
classes were going to start late so Kashaf had to go alone.
Kashaf walked up to the place where She would get a cab.
It had been quite some time and Kashaf was still waiting for a cab.
"Great I was already late and know this."
She murmured while playing with her dupatta.
To again look for a cab she looked up but unfortunately she saw a
familiar face sitting on a bike. On closer analysis she found that it was
She wanted to hide herself but he had seen her and was moving
towards her. Kashaf tried her best to ignore his gaze but he wouldn't
"Hey Kashaf you over here?"He asked while smiling.
"Hi Zaroon ."
She replied looking here and there still ignoring him.
"Are you waiting for someone."
"Yes "
"Boyfriend right?"
he asked while grinning.
"Yes" she said just in order to get rid of his questions.
"Oh! So sad."
He said while showing fake concern and making an innocent face.
Kashaf said while raising her brows.
"No,I mean that it's so sad to see you here waiting for that stupid
"I am looking for a cab."
"I know. Come we can go together."
He said while smiling.
"No thanks I'll walk."
She said in order to get rid of him.
"I would have agreed to walk too but it's too far to walk."
"I prefer walking."
"You don't need to lose weight."
Kashaf closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She knew it was
difficult to deal with him so she started moving without saying
But surely Zaroon wouldn't stop so he started following her on his
Kashaf had covered a little distance and was expecting him to follow
and he was there.
"I hope you have no problem if we continue like this."
"But I have problem."
"Ok that is your problem if you have a problem. I am quite cool with
he said while smiling.
Kashaf just kept walking while he continued on his bike.
People were watching them as it was a weird situation.
Kashaf was noticing the gazes and Zaroon was watching Kashaf's
"Kashaf we can do one thing to get rid of these gazes."
He said smartly.
But Kashaf had a smarter answer
"Yes of course we can do something and it's like you accelerating your
bike as quickly as possible ." She stopped there and said while
But Zaroon is Zaroon after all.
"Your idea is great but I would like to modify it. Why don't you sit at
the back and then I accelerate."
He said while grinning.
"No thanks."
Kashaf said in irritation and moved forward.
"Oh come on Kashaf please we can go together this way we both are
wasting time."
Zaroon said while following her.
Kashaf knew he was right so she closed her eyes for a second or two
and then took a deep breath and finally took the back seat.
Zaroon smiled and accelerated the bike in such a that Kashaf fell on
him and that was the moment when Kashaf got irritated and was
about to get down but she couldn't. The bike was on speed and soon
the speed of the bike touched sky and Kashaf was scared. It was the
first time she sat on a bike and it was on high speed.
She in nervousness held his shoulder tightly which didn't go unnoticed
by Zaroon. He reduced the speed but only a bit as he dint want her to
take her hand off he dint Know why but he liked it.
Kashaf was hell scared so she kept chanting prayers and had kept her
eyes closed and she also wanted to kill Zaroon for this but as of now
she wanted to be safe and wanted to keep him safe too because he
was driving and her life was on his hand.
Soon they reached, for Zaroon it was a short journey but for Kashaf it
was greater than her life span.
Zaroon said in order to tell her that they have reached.
"We have reached?"
She asked .
"Yes and now please open your eyes."
Kashaf slowly opened her eyes and took a sigh of relief.
" Shocked to be safe?"
Zaroon asked while smiling.
Now she had no words she dint want to do anything but just celebrate
her being alive.
"Thank you and please apologize."
Kashaf demanded.
"Your welcome but sorry for what?"
"For almost killing me."She said while laughing and Zaroon also
Unaware of the fact that someone was watching them Zaroon brought
his hand forward for a handshake
"Friends? "
"After all what you did with me no way."
Zaroon's face fell.
"But I'd like to give it a chance."
Zaroon's face lightened up and shook hands with her. They both had a
smile protracted on their lips.
Kashaf dint know why she had put her hand forward after all what he
had done with her but she knew she liked it.
"Did you see what's going there?"
"Yes come on."
"Good morning Zaroon."
Zaroon and Kashaf who were talking looked towards the person.
"Good morning baby."Zaroon replied .
"Good morning Zaroon."
Zaroon and Kashaf who were talking looked towards the person.
"Good morning baby."Zaroon replied .
"So you won't introduce your new friend."
Asmara said while faking a smile.
"Ofcourse .Kashaf she is Asmara and Asmara she is Kashaf."
Kashaf smiled looking at her while Asmara just kept looking at her
from top to bottom.
Kashaf sensed something weird but she still brought her hand forward
for a handshake. Asmara also brought her hand forward but purposely
she pressed Kashaf's hand tightly and was not leaving her hand.
Kashaf was getting hurt so the smile vanished from her face. Zaroon
who was next to them didn't notice Kashaf's expression as he was
looking at Asmara.
" Asmara leave her hand. Everything alright?"
"Nothing "Asmara said while jerking Kashaf's hand.
"Good I thought that you have fallen for her."
He said while smiling.
Kashaf just glanced at her hand and looked at Asmara who
immediately removed her gaze.
"Zaroon let's go."
She said while putting her arms inside his and smiling.
"Yeah you go I'll follow I have some work."
He said while slowly removing her hand.
Asmara's face fell. She was angry at Zaroon so she in irritation
immediately left from there.
Zaroon bowed down and said
"Shall we madam?"
Kashaf just forget about Asmara ad her hand and started walking
while smiling while Zaroon followed her with a smile on his face too.
But he was unaware that Asmara had not left. She had seen him
bowing down in front of her. She couldn't take it, it was too much the
bike ride ,the handshake, and now this.
"This is too much."
Sana said just to add fuel to the fire and while looking at her face.
"Don't take tension Sana I know Zaroon very well his love for me will
not change and that too because of this bahenji. No please. All this is
Just for a week and then he will be like who is Kashaf?"
Asmara said still irritated and not satisfied with her answer.
"Why would I take tension? You seem to be really worried now."
She said while smiling.
Asmara became even more irritated and said
"I have to do something. Let's go"
Zaroon and Kashaf were inside the classroom and Zaroon was sitting
with OOOsamaaa while Kashaf was alone .Asmara entered the class
with Sana. Usually Asmara sat with Sana but today she took the seat
beside Kashaf and Kashaf was not quite pleaed with it as Kashaf had
kept the seat for Maria so she
she immediately informed Asmara about it.
"I am really sorry I dint know it was reserved."
"It's ok."
Kashaf said while smiling but Asmara again felt irritated. She had
some plans and now it wouldn't happen she knew.
But her wicked mind quickly made another wicked plan.
After the class was over Kashaf headed towards the canteen to have
some thing and also meet Sidra. On her way she was accompanied by
"Kashaf what's up with you and Zaroon?"
She asked.
"Nothing saw you two coming together on the bike."
"Actually I wasn't getting a cab so he helped me out."
"Did you meet Asmara?"
"Yeah I did meet her. I don't know why but she kind of behaved
bizarrely with me."
"That was quite obvious."
She remarked.
Kashaf asked while looking at her.
"Because It's something very normal. You come on his bike along with
him and you expect her to be nice. Either way she is not wise but at
least she would have been a bit better if this wouldn't have been the
She said with a smirk.
"So she is his girlfriend?"
Kashaf asked.
"Actually It's still not clear to us. They are always together actually not
really. Its like Asmara is always with him. Actually they are childhood
friends. It always seems that they are a pair but they haven't revealed
and on top of that Zaroon is the biggest flirt on earth. He can flirt with
anyone and everyone and make that person go gaga on him so no one
has been able to reveal the truth."
She said while smiling.
Kashaf was smiling too and dint notice her trap. She stepped on a
banana peel near the canteen gate and was about to fall badly from
the stairs. Everyone in the canteen stood up except Asmara who
wasn't amused as it was exactly what she wanted. She was smiling
but soon the smile vanished.

I WISH...ZAROON KASHAFWhere stories live. Discover now