Chapter #12

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WYLMB Chapter #12

A massive shoutout to kellycsf for this awesome typography art poster!! It's awesome sitting proudly on my wall!Thank you for your support and love for this story!! :D

Alright then! Time for the long-awaited update! Enjoy!!


- Jess' PoV (Point of View) -

Argh!! What am I supposed to do!! I just can't... Face Sam right now...

It's just that my feelings and emotions... Are not very stable at the moment.

Sigh. We shall just see how fate will bring us back together then.

Or maybe, fate won't even want you guys back together! Dun dun dun! So you guys shall walk your separate ways from just a few minutes ago when you decided to ignore Sam.

Oh no... Will what my inner thought predicted come true? If it has a possibility of happening...

We shall and we will talk later, Sam.


"Alright young lady! You are good to go! Just remember to apply the medication daily so that there won't be any scars yeah!" Doctor Green said while leading me outside his office.

"Okay, thank you!!" I replied as I slowly close the heavy doctor's door, as exhaustion suddenly washes over me.

Despite how tired I am, there was only one thought that was in my head throughout this whole ordeal.

Sam. Talk. Clear up misunderstandings. Get back together.

"Hey Jess, oh my god are you ok? Where are you hurt? I rushed all the way here once I knew you were admitted to the hospital!!" A familiar deep voice was heard as Nate was seen not far away from me. He started walking towards my direction with worry evident in his eyes.

Nate? What is he doing here? Wait...

How did he even knew that I was here?


"Oh hey, Nate! Didn't knew you were here! How did you even knew that I was admitted to this hospital?" I asked curiously and suspiciously, as my eyes wandered around my surroundings, in search of a particular brown haired, blue eyed, non-fracked man.

Or boy, judging by his childish behaviours.

"Uhh... About that... I got the information from... Anyways, that's not the main point yeah?" Nate stammered as he avoided my gaze, which mine wasn't really focusing on him in the first place anyways.


Just then, a familiar back view of a person's mop of brown hair was in my view. My heartbeat started picking up its pace and quickened, as butterflies started forming in my tummy.

No no no! How is that even possible in the first place? Butterflies starting to form inside a human's stomach? Do you even know how butterflies are even formed? First, the-

Focus Jess! Now is not exactly the best time to start blabbering non stop about some random science facts you know!

Right, back to the topic.

As he turns his body to face mine, his initial happy and lifted blue eyes immediately dulled down and hardened as his eyes fell onto Nate's back. He stared at me for a few seconds before his slouched body turned away from mine, preparing to walk away.

So much of a De Ja Vu moment, eh? Do something, Jess! Do you so badly want to lose your man?

What?! What 'my man'? Did I just admit that Sam was... 'My man'?

Do something, anything Jess!! He is walking away already!

Jess! You can do it! Just gather everything, and anything, that you have in you to get what you want. And don't cry when you lose it, instead, celebrate when you own it.

"Sam!" I shouted across the hallway, desperately trying to get his attention. Which worked, I must say.

As he turned around, his hard, dull and lifeless blue eyes that were still the same from earlier, lit up by just a bit as he stood straighter.

And yes, I noticed everything. Every small detail.

Gosh, I sound like a stalker now.

Which technically am from the whole 'obsessing about Jake.' Thing.

But now, it's different. It's not Jake now, it's Sam.

Walking towards Sam and sending Nate a signal to follow, I could feel his gaze burning a hole in my back as if trying to ask me why on earth we are going to talk to Sam.

Truth to be told, neither do I. In fact, I am still kind of surprised by my own actions. Dumbfounded, really. Looking back in my life, throughout my last 16 years and 9 months of my life till this stage, when was I ever so bold? When was I ever so headstrong and have a strong stand in my decisions? When have I ever felt that strong, strong need to clear things up, clear misunderstandings with a male figure in my life...

And felt so strongly attracted to him?

Throughout the short span of a few days, from the very day I've first interacted with Sam, I realised how much I grew.

I have learnt to cry my heart out when I'm sad;

Learnt to love someone else;

And learnt to seize the moment and do what I really know I want to do, and never regret my decision.

And right now at this very moment, I knew exactly what I wanted and I know for a fact that I will never, ever regret this decision.

Walking, and stopping right in front of Sam, I turned my body so that now I was facing Nate. I took in a deep breath and muster up all my courage I would gather.

I can do it.

"Nate, I would like you to meet Sam," I took in another deep breath and slowly turn my head so that I was facing Sam right now,

"My boyfriend."



- Unknown voice's PoV (Point of View) -

Oh Jess, my sweet Jess, let's see what deep shit you have gotten yourself into.




And I get whatever I want, even if a little sacrifice is involved along the way.

Beware, don't say I didn't warn you, my little sweet Jess. 


Alright! A pretty short chapter because I've just rewritten and updated the previous chapter yesterday, or today for me! So who do you think is the owner of 'unknown voice'? Comment down below!

Alright, to keep things short and sweet, let's go on with our achievements!

From what I am seeing right now, we hit 1.48k total reads (1.5k now!!) and 136 total votes! That's amazeballs! Thank you guys so much!

As usual, please VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE if you haven't done so already!

Till the next time,

- Xuan🌿

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