Confusion in confusions!

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Harry approached Louis for the best opinion. He describe all that had happened to Louis and expressed his feelings towards Blue.

Louis was confused about the situation too. He thought that giving advice to Harry without getting Blue's point of view was not right. He kept quiet and said Harry to stay calm for a moment and assured him to surely get a way out of the confusion.

After consoling Harry, Louis immediately went to speak about this to Blue.

He explained Blue everything clearly and asked her opinion on this.

Listening all this Blue was terribly shocked. She had her eyes widened as if they were to just fall off!

She was almost in tears. But Louis asked her to stay strong. He questioned her who was her true love among them ?

At this her reply was 'I'm confused too! I like Niall because he's just like me . But I like Harry too because he is fun to be around and keeps me happy all the time! Zayn is the most cuddling and comforting guy so I like him too. And Liam is like the most Caring guy I'd ever seen ! '

Yeah, this was surely to happen because Blue was a Dedicated directioner and she loved all the boys equally including Louis ! Finally it was something like she said that she had a soft spot Niall ! But she didn't want to lose Harry, Zayn and Liam too ! (Ugh we DIRECTIONERS !)

Now it was time to test that which boy loved Blue the most and truly wanted her as a life partner! It was obvious that Blue won't be able to decide whom she wanted, so both Blue and Louis made a plan to test the boys one-by-one. The one who cleared the test of love without any hesitation and difficulty would be the best guy for Blue !


Meanwhile in the boys' life...


ZAYN was already dating Perrie and he also wanted her as her life partner. He was damn sure that she was ye one for her. So spotting a special day Zayn proposed Perrie and the big thing was that Perrie said a big 'YES' to him !

Wow that was the biggest and luckiest day in Zayn's life!

Finally some days later both the cute people of the world got engaged ^_^

Now this was a twist ! Zayn was no more an option for Blue.

She was happy for Zayn and continued her search for her husband. No she had to select between Harry, Niall and Liam. (Louis was not an option for her as he was already with Eleanor)



Liam was already depressed after breaking up with Dani!

The directioners In the world were also like ' They were so good together !' , 'Why did they break up?' etc etc

Liam was stressed by all this.

Then a girl named Sophia entered her life an both it was heard that they were in a relationship!

The directioners fumed at Sophia and didn't want their Liam to be with her!

There was too much hate for her on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter!

Finally one day Liam saw Sophia kissing her ex - boyfriend and that was the moment he broke up with her !

He said " I should've listened to my directioners!"

He was again a single soul now ! But he was not willing to get up and fall for another girl ! He had now lost hope. He didn't want to be in a relationship now!

Blue was observing all this happening in Liam's life! She thought " Though I like him, it is not right on my part to make him mine coz his heart is still with dani... "

So now the conclusion was that Liam was out from Blue's boys list !

She was now left with Harry and Niall !


What do you think whom would Blue choose among Hazza and Niall ? Comment please ! The one to comment it right would have my next chapter dedicated to him/her :)

Love you all :*

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